CHAPTER 2: Soulmate.

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Sebastian was so different from any guys I'd known.

He didn't talk about sports cars, or the newest smartphones or the best companies to invest in.

But he taught me how I could cut out grocery coupons from newspapers, or what the cheapest bus route was and how to ride a bycicle.

He even got me waitressing job at the cafe a d covered up for my mistakes.

He lived in a tiny, rundown house with his mom and three younger sisters. And even though they didn't have much, I was always made to feel welcome.

One day at the park, while Seb feeding the ducks with his sisters, I accidentally knocked over his backpack and a sketchbook fell out.

I opened it to find the most amazing comic drawings. I leafed through the pages and found a sketch of me. And then another, then another, then another---

"what do you think you're doing?" Sebastian asked in shock.

"I'm sorry, it just fell out. Seb, you're so talented" I answered.

"it's just a silly hobby" Sebastian stated.

"it's not silly, are you gonna apply to an Art School?" I asked.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm poor. I have to work right out of high school." he replied.

"and I didn't make your sketches because I have a crush on you or something. You're just a new, interesting face."

"does interesting mean the same as pretty?" I genuinely asked.

"not necessarily" he answered.

"So you don't think I'm pretty?"

"You're not not pretty and what is pretty anyway?" Sebastian said.

Out of nowhere, his three little siblings said, " shut up Seb, you said Olivia's the prettiest girl you've ever met."

"He wrote a poem in his diary about your eyes being blue as cornflower. And what was the next line girls? I could stare into those sapphire lakes for hours" right after, the kids laughed.

"my diary? You!!" Sebastian groans "see what I mean? I need to earn money to put them all in a mental institution!"

I couldn't stop laughing as he chased the girl away and I felt a warm tingle in my toes at the thought that maybe Sebastian liked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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