I nailed it!

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I wasn't married but I was single all the way ever since I graduated college. Even so many butterflys are flying around, I just couldn't possibly understand.. why those people around me pursue such things.

Until I landed on a job for babysitting but It isn't my decision to become one, it was my family, my parents who pursueded me.

Mom: "Sweet heart, for your debt in college, yey!."

Father: "Come on, sweety.. give us a vication, it's been quite a while now. We haven't got our golden anniversary for the next week."

Mom didn't blink and doesn't regret her last words for me.

"Honey, you've pass the teenage years, your now in your 20s~."

Daughter: "So.. why should I became a nanny, I meant why should I work for the blue collar job, when I work so hard to learn is so expensive~!."

Three minutes has passed and daughter crossed her arms. Her parents are pleasing her with poppi eyes.

Daughter:" Fine, I'll do it."

Her mom excited rush-in the sofa to hug her.

Mom:" Oh, sweety. You're the best Morning flower I could ever have. Just don't forget.. don't break the billionaires dishwasher, washing machine, hair dryer, etc. Because so that the rest of 50%.."

Daughter:" ...it will go to you, to your golden... Expensive.. I meant, first time anniversary~."

Mom hugs again and Dad.

Three weeks has pass, like the handout paper. All my luggage and bagpack are well grounded?. I meant organized and ready to travel. To think it's just around the corner in our neighborhood.

I gasp in awe.. awesomeness and the feeling of it, makes you feel, you own this house to take all the responsibility and possibilities that are coming next.

Buttler:" Hi ma'am, good morning, are you the newbie. Who send resume and etc?."

Daughter:" Yes, my name is Le Fon Jeno.

Nailed it! Babysitter Edition [Fragmentary...]Where stories live. Discover now