Chapter 32

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G E N E R A L  P O V

The grand hall of Zenith Arcanum shimmered with opulence, adorned with cascading floral arrangements and intricate crystal chandeliers.

The air was filled with the fragrant blooms of various colors, creating an ethereal atmosphere for the momentous occasion—the Avalorian Blossom Exchange ceremony between Prince Namjoon and Duke Seokjin.

Seated at the forefront, King Alexander and Queen Aurelia, along with the rest of the royal family, along with the Royal family of Elysian Avaloria that had flew in three days prior, And Esteemed guests, all awaited the exchange that would unite Zenith Arcanum and Elysian Avaloria in a bond of love and diplomacy.

"Dear Royals, Nobles and Subjects," An officiant rang out. "We gather here today for the Avalorian Blossom Exchange ceremony." He introduced, receiving an applause.

"Please rise for the entrance of the Bridal pair and their entourage."

The murmurs of anticipation hushed as the processional music echoed through the hall, signaling the entrance of the bridal pairs.

On one entrance, Seokjin, regal in his Avalorian attire, entered the hall with the grace befitting a duke.

Beside him, Jimin carried a bouquet of Zenith Arcanum's distinctive blooms, their vibrant hues a symbol of the flourishing connection between the two kingdoms.

The sight of the duo drew admiring gazes, and the hall was momentarily enchanted by their elegance.

Following suit, on the opposite entrance, Namjoon entered with the dignity of a prince, accompanied by Taehyung holding a bouquet resonating with Aromablooms. The flowers he personally discovered.

The fusion of Avalorian and Zenithan flora in the arrangements represented the harmonious blending of traditions, transcending boundaries in the name of love.

As they reached the center of the hall, the couples faced each other, the exchange of bouquets poised to commence.

The hall, bathed in the glow of countless candles and soft hues of magical illumination, created a backdrop that intensified the significance of the moment.

"The Blossom Exchange is a ceremony where The couple exchanges small bouquets of flowers. This exchange symbolizes the mutual growth and flourishing of their love. The flowers chosen often hold special meanings, conveying emotions and wishes for their marriage," The officiant explained.

"The couple will now exchange their bouquets, along with their wishes."

Namjoon and Seokjin exchanged smiles, the warmth in their eyes reflecting the depth of their connection.

The Avalorian Blossom Exchange ceremony, typically held in Elysian Avaloria, had been brought to Zenith Arcanum to celebrate the groundbreaking union, making it the first same-gendered royal wedding in the history of both kingdoms.

The exchange unfolded with a graceful choreography, each pair presenting their bouquets to the other.

Jimin was the first one to forward the bouquet to his Cousin, Seokjin, who was glowing with utter happiness.

Seokjin, with a soft smile, began, "And in this bouquet of Zenithan blooms, each petal holding the essence of our unity, I see the resilience and grace of our love. As we exchange these blossoms, I promise to embrace the diversity that enriches our love and to weather every storm with you. To be there for you and our kingdoms."

The people who came to witness the ceremony, Nobles together with Royals and Subjects, swooned and awed at the Duke.

Some were even seen wiping tears from their eyes decreetly.

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