Harry Potter

15 2 9

Okay, so we're starting off strong with rating the Harry Potter series. If you don't know what this series is or haven't read it . . . go read it now and come back later. 

This is a pretty decent book series that is well known. There is a bunch of Harry Potter stuff everywhere. There is even a Harry Potter section at Universal Studios!

I for one think this series is a good one. It's a classic. I enjoy fantasy novels, and this is about as much fantasy and magic as you can get. It also has a good plot! The only downside of this book is how it's written. Don't get me wrong, J.K. Rowling did a great job of describing, but the sentence structre gets kind of confusing sometimes. I myself didn't notice that until recently, when we did a project on it. 

Harry Potter is very great. I recommend going to the Harry Potter website and finding out what  your house, patronus and wand are. (gasp Wattpad is saying that I spelled patronus wrong) I myself am a Hufflepuff with a ragdoll cat patronus and a cedar wand. I was very happy that I got a cat for my patronus. 

What are everyone's houses and patronuses? Do I have any fellow Hufflepuffs?

I got sidetracked. I have to do the final rating for this book series:


I took .5 off for the sentence structre.

Well that's it for my rating! Have a great day.

Word count: 246

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