December 27, 2023

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Dear Raya,

I am so, so, sorry that I haven't written to you in such a long time. If you're actually up there somewhere, then you know why. We're all going through a really difficult time. I managed to get a 4.65 GPA this semester, so Carol seems satisfied for now. Jamie will be trying out for swim in the spring, but I don't know if he really wants to.

Christmas felt so weird without you and Dad there. I wish you two could have been there. Carol's actually pretty good at cooking, as I found out on Monday. Daniel's been really helpful through all of this. It's nice to have a sympathetic shoulder from time to time, and he hangs out often. I'm excited for school starting again, but I have to wait until January.

There's not much else I have to tell you, just that the past few months have been a whirlwind of stress and schoolwork. I stopped watching YouTube videos because they wasted way too much time. Write to you soon!

Love, Melody

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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