CHAPTER 2 - Professor Umbridge

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November 1st 1994, Hogwarts

In the Slytherin and Gryffindor class, the students sits in the classroom of Defense Against the Dark Arts and their teacher, Professor Umbridge, enters the room. She walks to the front and looks at the students with her mean smile plastered across her face.

"Good afternoon, Class! My name is Professor Umbridge and I will be teaching Defence against the Dark Arts this year," she says in a sweet tone that hides her harsh nature. "Let's start off with a small exercise, shall we?"

Neville and the rest of the class look at the teacher in surprise when she says they are starting off with an exercise. They are not used to doing exercises in this class and are unsure of what to expect.
Umbridge smiles at the class and continues.

"We will be working on shield charms and how to cast them properly."

The other students look at each other nervously. Most of them have never tried to perform a shield charm before.


mbridge:"First, clap your hands."

Pansy:"Professor Umbridge, I don't think clapping your ha-"

Everyone claps their hands.

Umbridge:"Say "Protego" and then do the jumping jacks as if you were making a shield."

Draco:"That's silly-"


"That's it," Umbridge says as she watches the class begin their jumping jacks. "Keep going." The class keeps following her instructions and continues the jumping jacks.

Pansy, who had been silenced for voicing her opinions before, tries once more.

"I thought this was Defense against the Dark Arts, not Aerobics 101."

Umbridge looks at Pansy with such disgust that she has to look away.

"Aerobics can count as defense, Pansy," Hermione retorts. "Can't be in a battle if you're out of breath because you were too lazy to exercise."

Ron:"Something is wrong though..." Ron says in a worried voice.
Harry agreeing:"Yeah!"

Umrbidge:"Oh Ronald, do you want to say what is wrong to the whole class?"

...uh oh.

Ron looks at the other students in the room. He is unsure if he should speak up, but Umbridge is staring directly at him. He looks at his friend, Harry, who nudges his shoulder and mouths for him to "just say it." Ron looks back at Umbridge and stands up.
"Well, I thought this class would be more than just jumping jacks," Ron says, trying to match the teacher's sweet tone.
Umrbidge continues to smile, but her eyes narrow a bit as she looks at him.

Umbridge:"Well, we will get to the "cool" stuff later, but just so you know that being "cool" means being lazy."


Umbridge:"You may sit down, Ronald."

Ron slowly sits back down with a confused look on his face. He looks over at Hermione and Harry and sees the two trying their best to hold their laughter in.

"Okay, class, time for the next exercise," Umbridge says. "Open up your textbooks to page 304."

The class looks down at their textbooks as Umbridge walks back towards the front of the room. They notice that some of the pages have been ripped and some of the writing is written in a messy way. They think something must have been wrong with the previous professor.

Umbridge:"The Most Forgivable Curses:

1-AVADA KEDAVRA:will make a person faint.

2-CRUCIO:Will make a person do the chicken dance.

3-IMPERIO:Will make a person act weird and make jokes on you."

Hermione:"But Professor Umbridge, that's not true."

Umbridge:"IT'S 100% TRUE! Now, i am giving you all a rat to test the Avada Kedavra spell."

Ron and Harry look at each other with confused expressions on their face, trying to decipher whether or not Umbridge is joking.

Ron leans over over to Harry and whispers "Is she serious about this?"
Harry slowly nods his head "No, she can't be."

Hermione raises her hand at the front of the room. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Umbridge looks at her with a stern expression.

"Professor, Avada Kedavra is one of the most unforgivable curses," she says. "It does NOT make a person faint."

Umbridge:"Well, did you read Hogwarts, A History?"

"Yes, Professor, I did," Hermione responds. "However, I do not recall reading anything about the most unforgivable curses, especially one that makes a person faint."

Umbridge's eyes narrow at Hermione, but before she can respond, she gets cut off by Pansy.

"Excuse me, Professor Umbridge, is it true that Voldemort is coming back?" Pansy whispers to the teacher. Umbridge turns to Pansy and smiles again, a smile that is becoming creepier and creepier as the class goes on.

Umbridge:"What makes you mentally ill to ask that?"

The class laughs as Pansy covers her face out of embarrassment.
Umbridge sees this and continues on with the next exercise, pretending like Pansy's question never happened. She holds up a rat to the class and speaks without any empathy.

"Now, you are ready to cast Avada Kedavra on the rat," Umbridge says as she points towards Hermione. "Who wants to go first?" Hermione hesitates for a moment, but eventually raises her hand. "I-I'll do it."

Hermione goes in front of the rat, and uses the "fainting" spell:"...AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The whole class sits in shock as the rat explodes into guts and organs. Ron looks like he's ready to puke at any moment. Even Pansy has a horrified look on her face.

Harry looks around the classroom at everyone's stunned reactions. Then, he looks back at Umbridge, who smiles at Hermione as if something great happened.

Hermione's mouth is hanging open in shock, and she looks towards the teacher, who still has a creepy smile on her face.

Umbridge:"Now, we will use the Crucio spell, there will be groups and 2 people in each group."

Everyone makes a group.

Umbridge:"Now the groups will decide who will be the subject for the spell!" Umbridge says happily, smiling kindly as if it's her birthday.

The groups look at each other, unsure who to choose as their test subject. Hermione nudges Harry's arm and whispers,
"Let's get it over with by choosing me, I think it would be funny"

Harry smiles back at her while the groups discuss who to choose.

When the groups are finished, Umbridge walks to the front of the room and waits for everyone's decision. Then, she starts looking at all of the groups as though she's expecting them to announce their decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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