I think I'm inlove

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Sawyer's POV

She is so beautiful no one cant like Pepper she is so polite and caring I think I'm inlove! I was going to my class then Pepper was walking in "Hey Sawyer what are you doing here in my class?"she said "This is my room"I said "Great, we have the same schedule!" YASS THANK YOU GOD were the same schedule I hate History but here is Pepper she could cheer me up then I gave her my number and we went inside then after our quiz i was texting Pepper
Heres our convo:

Sawyer: Im bored
Pepper: Are you done
Sawyer: of what?
Pepper: the quiz
Sawyer: oh right Im done
Pepper: lets go to the Lone Starcade after
Sawyer: Ok love ;)

Pepper stared at me and gave me a 'whats the meaning of this look'

Pepper: What?
Sawyer: what about what?
Pepper: the text!
Sawyer: I was supposed to send that to my mom sorry :)
then Pepper blushed! ohh she is so cute then the bell rang and we went to the Lone starcade and find the others

Author's Note

Hi guys is it good so far? sorry for the short chapter ,please comment down below and any suggestions! please suggest, making a story is hard and Im using my phone to make it! and there is gonna be some Trella in the next chapters,soon thanks I'll  update soon! xoxo

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