Chapter 1: Where We Left Off

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 2029

Winston, Nicole, Nathaniel: 31 Mila: 31 Naeva: 30 Ruben: 30

Owen: 29 Hannah: 29

Now where to start in the mess of this year... A recap perhaps might be suitable, but the reality is that we're nearing the end of the year though I seem to be starting a new chapter in my life much like all of us. It hasn't been long since Winston and Mila made an uproar in the news with the birth of their triplets, Raul, Branson and Gwen. The news made it seem like they were royalty in the Lavine Kingdom more than it seemed to be the case for the real royals.

Hannah and Nathaniel are also expecting their first child and called it wishful thinking but it seemed that they would finally have the little girl they hoped for. I am happy for them, I knew well how much they had wanted to adopt Diana though it didn't work out due to lots of small details here and there. Oh, then there's Owen and I, Whirling designs have done so well and we've also just had our first daughter.

It hasn't been too long since she was born. The people already wanted me to take her to introduce her to them. I understood well, Our daughter, our baby she was... a princess and this was the kingdom she was born into but I wanted to keep her even a bit longer to just Owen and I. For a moment more, I wanted to hold her and forget the title of royalty and the kingdom. Owen seemed to have had the same idea.

"She's beautiful like her mother" He said as I looked up to him. "No, She's definitely more beautiful." I answered, glancing back down at my sleeping baby. "You know they're still waiting outside," He said as I chuckled. "I know, just a moment longer," I answered.

As I could not hide her away as I pleased I finally opened the door. Nicole bowed along with Oliver and Penelope. "Alright, let's go" I said as they escorted me to the balcony where the crowds had gathered for her announcement. Owen quickly caught up glancing down at the baby wrapped in her blanket sleeping soundly in my arms. "She'll wake up with the crowd," He said softly. "As long as it doesn't start a storm, I'll be fine" I answered as confused expressions looked my way. "I don't think her cries are that strong," Oliver added. "...No, how do I explain-" I began. "The Guardian's emotions control the weather, if the Princess cries make a storm it means she's the next Guardian" Winston added joining us in the corridor.

"Exactly, thank you Winston. How's Mila?" I asked, glancing over at him. "Very well, She's in our room trying to put Raul to sleep with Branson and Gwen" He answered. "Ah, why aren't you helping her?" I asked. "She said I should be here as your advisor," He replied. "Mm, Okay~" I answered, walking ahead.

We finally got to the balcony and Oliver and Penelope opened the doors. "...What did you name her?" Nicole asked. "Stella" I answered as Nicole smiled. "Okay, got it" She replied, stepping out first to get the attention of the crowd. "I hereby announce the birth of the new member of the Night family, Princess Stella Night-Wallace" Nicole said as they began to cheer. As expected Stella woke up startled. Winston and I immediately looked up at the sky for any forming clouds as Owen took her from me. "It's not her," Winston said softly as I smiled looking ahead and stepping forward with Owen. "I'm guessing it's good news?" Owen asked me softly as I nodded in relief.

Frederick walked around the castle looking for Saniya since he had been left to watch her while everyone attended the event. As he turned the corner Princeton jumped out, scaring him. "What the hell Psy?!" Frederick said, gripping the handle of his sword. "What, it was fun. Did you lose Saniya?" Princeton asked as Frederick turned away. "I did not, I'm quite sure you took her," Frederick said, crossing his arms. "I actually didn't, Diana did. Mari and her got all the little ones in the playroom." Princeton shrugged. "She could have told me," He answered as Princeton smiled. "Don't worry about it. Come on, We should go see our little sister right?" Princeton said, putting his arm around him and going upstairs.

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