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  "You met him earlier this week on another assignment." That's a lie. You know it. You see it in the way Pierce's gaze flickers away from the Winter Soldier's, the way he evades looking at him or anyone else while saying it. Bucky knows the man. Bucky has to remember the man.

  "I knew him," Bucky says weakly, his frown deepening in confusion.

  Pierce pulls closer a chair and sits on it in order to be at the same eye level as Bucky.

  "Your work here has been a gift to mankind." Everyone listens to them, no one moves. "You shaped the century. And we need you to do it one more time." Bucky frowns, The Winter Soldier nods.

  "Society is on a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're going to give it a push." You don't know what he's talking about. You don't know anything about society or order or chaos. But while he speaks, a shiver runs down your spine.

  "If you can't do your part, I can't do mine. And Hydra can't guarantee the world the freedom it deserves."

  Bucky's voice is shaking as he speaks. "But I knew him."

  Your boss sighs. He seems to be thinking when he leans back and blinks a few times. Then he stands up and moves away a few steps.

  "Wipe him," he commands in a cold and merciless tone. Bucky looks down. He is scared. Terrified. You know exactly how he feels. Helpless. Lost.

  One of the medics says something but you don't listen to him. You only look at Bucky. He stares back at you, his gaze burning into your skin.

  You knew him, you want to shout. You have to remember. Please remember him. Because you can't. You have no idea who you were or what your life was like before ending up here. Before Hydra.

  He has to remember. For you.

  You part your lips and mouth the words instead. You know him. Remember him. He is confused but after you repeat them a few times, his gaze clears a little and his eyes widen in shock.

  He's still looking at you when the scientists push him back on the chair, fixating his arms on the armrests.

  He's still looking at you when they put something in his mouth for him to bite on.

  He's still looking at you when they activate the machine, even though his breathing quickens and you can clearly see the scorching pain burning in his body.

  You're not looking at him anymore when the muffled screams start. You've heard him scream before. Hurt or scared didn't matter, his screams always sounded the same. But this time, they're worse. They're full of grief. Grief over not remembering, grief over halfway remembering, grief over forgetting. Grief over that man on the bridge. Grief over everything he's lost, grief over everything he could have today.

 And you are determined to help him. You got him in here, you are responsible for his pain. And you'll make it stop. You'll get him out of here. 

The Mechanic || 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘳¹Where stories live. Discover now