Chapter Seven: Fire You Founded

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Coriolanus approached Dr. Gauls desk with gritted teeth. "Lucy Gray isn't feeling too well is she Mr. Snow?" Dr. Gaul teased him as he stood there in silence. "You should never bite the hand that feeds you, I suppose my pretties still have a lot to learn. They're a new breed, very different than the snakes she was able to tame in the arena. I guess I should've warned her better. I will say she has impressed me with the lengths she was willing to go through to win my approval." She continued. "Mr. Snow I'll be the first to admit when you told me this girl was going to be your life partner...I thought ill of you to choose a district girl. Especially after you already ruined your life cheating for her to win the hunger games. Sejanus was the one who truly paid the price for that though. While his daddy gave you the plinth prize because you were his best friend. You really must have looked out for him." Dr. Gaul's sarcasm burned Coriolanus' skin. "But enough of the past now, your Lucy Gray passed all my tests, she truly is willing to let go of the district. But what is triumph without pain. I couldn't let her off the hook that easy. But fear not she'll be better in two weeks time when the venom has run its course. It's strange to see you so vulnerable Mr. Snow. I have to say I quite enjoy the power your dear Lucy Gray holds in your heart. She's your greatest weakness but she could be your biggest strength. It seems watching her suffer really boils your blood. It's intriguing..." Dr. Gaul finished her speech.

"Dr. Gaul I'd thank you not see Lucy Gray's suffering as my strength. She did everything she was asked and you still felt this necessary to prove her loyalty. I don't understand why that is?" Coriolanus asked.

"To make sure she was serious Mr. Snow. Your father used similar tactics in his day. That's why you'll see her survive and we'll never quite know what happened to your classmate Clemesia." Dr. Gaul said. "Oh and bring our Lucy this soup for me. And get her to drink it Mr. Snow it's important." Dr. Gaul said as she handed him a cast iron canteen.

"Promise me no more tests, and her name is Lucy Gray." Coriolanus said back about to walk out of her office.

"She has earned her spot here Mr. Snow, no more tests will be needed. But mark my words she won't be Lucy Gray much longer. Power changes people, especially you future president Snow. And Lucy Gray Snow doesn't have the same ring to it does it?" Dr. Gaul said. She'll be your Lucy Snow soon and she'll oblige to it because for some reason she chose you over everything. Let us hope the girl does not live to regret it." She finished her statement and showed Coriolanus the door.

"I'll see you both for training the third Monday this month Mr. Snow. Give our Lucy...excuse me Lucy Gray my best wishes." Dr. Gaul smirked at Coriolanus as he walked out of her office and returned to Lucy Gray's bed side as fast as he possibly could.

"Lucy Gray...Lucy Gray." Coriolanus said as he sat down next to her bed. She seemed to be doing worse than when he left her. She was shivering and sweating at the same time. "Lucy Gray..." Corio said as he grabbed her hand.

"It bad..." she whispered as Coriolanus opened the soup canteen. He poured out the clear liquid and held the cup up to her face.

"Try this it will help." He said as Lucy Gray's dazed eyes met his. She shook her head.

"I...I can't keep anything down Corio, I can't." She replied weakly.

"Lucy Gray trust me. Just drink it." He said again. And this time she didn't question him, she nodded and sipped from the cup as much as she could. Within in an hour she was starting to feel better. And her fever broke. Coriolanus had just passed the final test and Lucy Gray had to be protected by the darkness that came with the Capitol's power. He didn't want her to give up who she was for who he wanted her to be. Even if for a second that was originally what he had wanted from her. Now he wanted to overthrow the capitol, because the fire his family founded wasn't burning the way he expected.

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