Rain and Monster

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Some extra info before we start:

Each chapter in this book will be a different scenario. Some of the scenes may be mentioned in the Adopted by YUNGBLUD series but most will not be. Also there will be smut in pretty much all of these chapters so if you don't want to read that kinda stuff then just click off of this book(it's not very detailed tho)

Keep in mind all of this is fiction

Anyways enjoy!

Mars' POV

Just finished working in the studio. The new song is taking a bit longer than we thought but we can always work on it another time. For now, I just want to chill on my bed.

"Fook," Dad says as we exited the studio. Turns out it's raining outside and we don't have an umbrella. Just our luck that our car is all the way across the damn parking lot.

"Race you!" I smirked before taking off running through the parking lot and into the rain. I didn't mind my clothes getting wet though, we can always wash them.

"Oh no you don't!" Dad called behind me as he started running to the car as well.

We raced to the car, the rain pouring down on us. Eventually we made it...at the exact same time. Damn, we tied. Oh well. Me and Dad got inside, him in the driver's seat and me next to him in the passenger seat. "Well that was fun," I laughed, rain that landed on my hair dripping down onto my clothes.

"Yeah, now we're all smelly and wet," he chuckled. I grinned as he started the car, the radio playing some Bieber song.

I hummed along to it as Dad started driving, not even knowing the name of it. Raindrops landed on the window, I followed them with my eyes as they dripped down, making cool designs on the glass as they did so.

Soon enough we arrived in our driveway. Dad parked the car and we got out. He ran to the door to avoid getting too soaked, I just walked at a normal pace, the rain not really bothering me. I closed the door and locked it when I got inside.

Home at last.

Y'know what, I've decided that I'm thirsty. I laughed to myself as I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I settled on Pacific Punch Monster because why not? After opening it I slowly walked upstairs, not really in a rush.

When I made I made it to the top of the stairs I turned right and into the hallway. I stopped in front of the second door to the left, taking a sip of my Monster as I opened the door to my room. To my surprise, Awsten was lying in my bed.

Awsten's POV

Mars entered the room. I looked up at them from my spot on their bed, my eyes widening as I scanned their body. Their hair was dripping wet from the rain, my sweater wrapped around their waist, Monster in hand. I don't know about you but I'm already hard.

"Shit baby, you look so fucking hot right now," I murmured as I slowly got off of their bed and walked over to them. They blushed with a smile, looking down at their shoes to hide it. I cupped their cheek with one of my hands when I was close enough to them. I pushed their red hair behind their ears so I could see their beautiful face.

They looked back up at me with those gorgeous green eyes. I smiled at them before closing the gap between us by gently placing my lips against theirs. Slowly and softly our lips moved in sync with each other.

Still kissing, I closed the door behind them and placed the Monster that was in their hands onto their dresser. I just barely moved my lips from theirs as I wrapped my arms around their waist. They recognized what I was doing and jumped onto my own waist and wrapped their arms around my back securely.

They reconnected our lips again, this time we kissed a bit more roughly. I used one hand to hold them up and the other to run my fingers through their hair as I walked back over to their bed. As carefully as possible, I placed them on their bed, not letting go of their lips. I positioned my body on top of them.

Breathing heavily and kissing fast, the burning sensation devoured my body. All I could focus on was Mars right now, as it should be. Mars pulled off my belt and through it aside, taking their lips off of mine as they did so.

With my voice already raspy, I asked them, "are you sure, darling?"

They looked deeply into my green and blue eyes with a smile before nodding. "Please."

I didn't waste a second and reconnected our lips. Using the hand that wasn't holding my body up I trailed my fingers down their hair, to the back of their neck, and then their shoulder. The warmth burned more as I moved my lips away from theirs and onto their neck, kissing there instead.

A smirk developed on my face as I heard them gasp softly from the feeling. My fingers glided around their shoulder and to their upper chest, their smooth skin, a feeling I'd never forget. "Fuck," they whispered against the skin on my neck.

I grinned against their own skin, the pleasure I'm able to give them making me feel proud of myself. I left a few more love bites around their neck before pulling back. We locked eyes with each other.

They looked beautiful, so fucking beautiful.

I leaned down and placed a soft, gentle peck on their lips before pulling back once again and taking their shirt off. They took my shirt off as well and we threw them to the side before I  continued my trail of kisses where I left off. They fell into a frenzy of gasps and moans below me as I went lower with my lips.

I soon reached their v-line. With one of my hands I slid down their shorts and threw them on the floor. I looked up at them one more time, just to make sure they were absolutely fine with this. The look in their eyes gave me all the reassurance to continue.

Carefully, I pulled their underwear off. "Shit...baby you're so beautiful."

A blush crept across their face. I smiled lovingly at them, they returned it.


What the fuck?

Both me and Mars looked on the ground. There lay the intruder, and our spy apparently. It was Autumn's fat ass cat who was laying in our clothes.

"Was he seriously watching us the whole time?" Mars scoffed.

I rolled my eyes as I got off of them, careful not to hurt them. I picked up the fluffy feline and opened the door. I set them outside of the room before closing the door back.

I made sure to lock it in case anymore cockblockers decided to disrupt us before looking back to Mars.

"Now, where were we?"



Hope you enjoyed this first chapter

I probably won't put much effort into updating this book until I finish the adopted by YUNGBLUD series


If you have any ideas for this book just message me on my account


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