Unexpected Visitors Pt. I

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"Faster!" I yelled as I watched the guys run laps around the track course.

After another two miles, I finally waved them in and threw water bottles their way as they walked towards me on the bleachers.

"Warmed up, yet?" I asked in a mock-polite tone

One of them, Dustin, had said that yesterday had been a "warm-up".

I then replied that it had been easy because I had to build them up from the bottom. And that included a few lessons along the way.

Number one: Cardio.

"I think I'm going to hurl," Seth said as he clutched his stomach.

I went up to him and gave him a comforting smile, "You 'kay?"

"Y-yeah. Just kinda dizzy."

"Guys, ten minute break. Drink lots of water."

"Hey, hey! Guess who's back?" I looked up from my seat on the bleachers to see Josh and his two goons march up to the field like they owned it.

I narrowed my eyes and stood. Holding my head up high, I marched right up to them, glaring the whole time. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He flashed me a cocky look and his entourage laughed. "Step aside sweetheart. Where's this Riley dude?"

His question was met with silence while my team avoided his gaze. "I want you and your little crew off my field, got it?"

Josh laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Now now, don't hurt yourself. Go get the coach and let me handle this, yeah?"

I shoved his chest away from me and smiled at his shocked expression as his ass skimmed the grass. "I'm the coach, idiot."

Just as I was about to kick them out again, Grant came over and pulled me away. "What the hell? Stop dragging me away like a damn dog. If you need to talk, then say so."

"Whatever. Josh, Max, and Heath stay. We need them."

I raised and eyebrow and walked towards him like a angry lioness would approach her prey. "Are you questioning my authority?"

Grant locked his jaw. "Yes. I'm team captain and I say they stay."

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned away from him. "Bring it in!" I shouted and waited as the team came towards us and sat down at our feet.

"You three were kicked out for being pot-heads yes?" I said sending a glare their way. They shuffled uncomfortably and I continued. "You will be back on the team on a trial basis. I don't want you in my pool until you've proved yourself to me."

"But--" I held my hand up and cut off their protests. "No buts. Now go run around the track."

They groaned and took off jogging. "I said RUN!" I smiled triumphantly when they picked up the pace. I smiled and turned to my team. "Okay, you're done with cardio for the day."

"What are we doing next coach?" I smiled at the title and motioned with my hand for them to stand.

"We're working on flexibility."

"Thank God," I heard someone groan and a few murmur in agreement.

"Don't thank God yet. You'll be begging for cardio by the time we're done."

I flashed them a grin and then slid my sweats off my legs and kicked off my shoes. Leaving on my off-the-shoulders crewneck tee, I walked forward in a pair of black spandex shorts to turn on the music from the giant iHome.

"Get into two rows. Tallests in the back. Give yourselves room to move, too." When they were in formation, I walked to the center and bent at the waist to touch my palms to the grass.

I held that for a few seconds and came up when I saw Josh and his friends walk towards me. "Why did you stop?" They stayed silent and I glared. "Keep running until I tell you to stop!"

Okay, I didn't need to be so awful. But it was really fun. And I was still mad at Josh for the whole Stacy thing.

I blew my whistle, indicating that Josh and Co. keep running, and turned to Johnny, who was struggling to even touch his knees.

I came forward and slowly put pressure on his back, forcing his body down. When he was able to touch his ankles, I moved down to the next slacker....Which seemed to be the whole team.

When I got to Grant, I felt him shiver at my touch. I very nearly broke down in a happy-dance but I controlled myself enough to be helpful.

"Okay, next stretch." I went down in a lunge and leaned forward to touch my nose to my knee, making sure to keep my other leg straight.

"Owwh!" I heard them groan and then stood to help out.

"We've got a lot of work to do," I said to no one in particular as I stared at their terrible attempts.

 * * * 

After twenty more minutes, I finally called in the pot-heads to join us stretching. I'm not that terrible. They looked like they were about to drop from exhaustion since I had made them sprint the whole time.

"How's this supposed to help us swim better?" I sent Josh a glare but answered anyway.

"It helps you swim with more ease and prevents turbulence. Which, in simpler terms, helps little Josh go faster. Got it?"

He shut up then and kept stretching.

Thought so.

"Let's keep going."

Two hours later, my team of what I thought were men were whining like babies.

"What happened to your sighs of relief?"

"We started stretching," Seth muttered under his breath and I laughed.

"You guys are such babies. I should bring my best-friend and fellow cheerleader. You'd be in tears within the first few stretches. That shit's intense."

"Oh a sexy cheerleader! Bring her whole squad. And tell them to come in uniform." I clutched my stomach laughing at James's comment but I couldn't help but wonder how feisty little Abby would respond to them.

Maybe I should bring her for a visit...

"Okay, free-style stretch for the next ten minutes to cool off. Then we're back to push-ups."

I turned away and then started stretching along with them so they wouldn't say shit about me not ever doing anything.

I dropped down to my right split and balanced on my hips as I pulled my back leg up and arched my back.

When I sprang back up I had half a dozen pairs of eyes looking at me. 

"What?" I asked in a slightly irritated tone. I don't like being stared at.

"Dang girl, we'll never look at you the same way again," Josh said and aroused a blush from me.

"Shut up. Drop down and give me a hundred push-ups. I'll go easy on ya'll since you did a lot of cardio and I wouldn't want Mr. Queasy-stomach dude over there to vomit.

A/N: Okay! Filler chapter...boring I know. Part II should be up later today! There's gonna be another visitor coming that Riley won't be very fond of....hmm who will that be?

I'm on Spring Break from school so that means many updates! Yay! Thanks so much for the support guys. Okay, going back to writing now....

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