Gone Gone Gone Pt. I

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A/N: Dedicated to PuppyLove1997 for leaving such a nice comment and for the amazing feedback.

Grant POV

My muscles ached as I climbed out of the cool water smiling from ear to ear. It felt good to do so, after days of being in a foul mood.

My team ran towards the pool and picked me up as they shouted in victory.

This was it. State.

And I just placed first in the 200 meter race while James made a close second, which meant we'd won the meet.

I smiled when the guys finally put me down on my feet and turned to the corner as something caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

Was that---

No, it couldn't be.

I blinked and by the time I opened my eyes again, the girl that bore a huge resemblance to Riley Cooper disappeared.

It must all be in my head, I thought as I walked towards the bleachers to get my bag. Riley was always on my mind.

"--here? Why didn't she say hi?" James's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Dunno," said Josh. "She said she was late for something. She just came to say goodbye."

"Who?" I said in a curious tone. Maybe it was one of the Malibu Creek girls and they had some information about Riley. I've been so worried about her and it was killing me not to know how she was doing.  

The guys exchanged awkward, significant gazes. I raised and eyebrow at their strange behavior. "Who was here?"

Josh fidgeted a little with his bag strap but finally said, "Erm...you know. Coach." I froze on instinct and swallowed.

"Do you mean...." Seth nodded.


"Yeah. She just left." He said in an uncomfortable tone.

I clasped my lips into a firm line. Of course she left before the meet ended.

She doesn't want to see you. She came for the rest of the team.

With a defeated sigh, I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder and turned to leave. "It was nice of her to stop by." I said in an expressionless voice.

I ignored their sympathetic looks and kept walking into the locker room.

Why did it hurt so much that she hadn't said goodbye? But why would she want to anyway?

I completely fucked her over. If I hadn't been such a child and stopped speaking to her, she would have never gone to the hospital and we'd still be together.

This was all on me. For not swallowing my pride and just let the whole Rob thing go. Especially since the night before I'd found out about it, Riley and I had been together. Intimately.

I know it was sappy, but I thought it was special. Riley had never been with another guy before and for some unknown reason, she had chosen me.

Me who is an immature asshole. 

Riley saw something in me worth loving, and I fucked it up. Because of me she was hospitalized. Because of me she's hurting.

But she'll never hurt again on my hands. I told myself I'd stay away from her but I hadn't really needed to do much. She was avoiding me too.

Because I'm not fucking worth the trouble.

I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. The one good thing in my life. Gone. Gone. Gone

Flopping down on the bench in the locker room, I leaned my face into my hands. God, I've never felt so helpless.

So lost.

"You okay, man?" Josh asked in a worried tone. The sound of his voice made me flinch and look up at him.

"Y-yeah. I'm good."

"You're a mess, Grant." I let out a hallow chuckle and to my utter surprise, I was struggling to hold back some stray tears.

Damn, Ry, look what you've done to me.

"You're not to late you know." I looked up and offered him a weak smile.

"She'll never forgive me for everything I've done to her." My voice frightened me. It sounded...dead.

"You can still catch up with her, Grant. Fine, maybe you'll have to break a couple speed limits but I really think that--"

"What?" I said interrupting him.

Josh raised an eyebrow and smiled in an amused way. "To the airport? You might still be able to catch her before her flight."

"What?!" I screamed, jumping up off the bench. "What flight?"

Josh's eyes got wide as my words sank in. "You know, to Austria? She moving out there for a while. Something about helping build a clinic or maybe it was orphanage? I can't remember. Wait, Grant!"

I didn't stop. I just ran out of there, not even conscious of the fact that I was half naked and barefoot.

It wasn't until I was standing in the parking lot did I realize that I didn't have my car. The bus drove us here.

The screeching of tires made me look up and jump back before a black Jaguar ran me over. The window rolled down to reveal Riley's ex, Ryder something.

"Need a lift?"

I raised an eyebrow, debating what to do. "Why would you help me?"

"Because Riley loves you and I want her to be happy. Now get your ass in the car. Her flight leaves in forty-five minutes and the drive to the airport is about an hour. We're about to floor it and see how fast this Jag can get us there."

Nodding, I climbed in the passenger side. "Thanks." I said to fill the silence.

"Don't thank me yet. First we have to make it there on time."

And that's when he stepped on the accelerator and I watched the speedometer hit eighty in under five seconds.

We might just make it. God, please let us make it.

A/N: This is part I and part II is still under construction in my head. I'm not sure if I want him to make it there on time or not..*insert evil laugh* What do you guys think? Should these two reunite so easily or should there be more drama along the way? :)
Hope this chapter was a little longer than the one before and that it lived up to your expectations. Check out the song Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips. It just...goes with this. In my opinion anyway! Vote & comment! :)
Btw if any of you care, my recital went awesome! And now I'm free to write more often yay!

A Guide To The Opposite Sex (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz