Raising Awareness

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It was Sunday, at the end of my work shift.  Julia and I were closing up our room for the night.  

"You okay?"  Julia asked me.  "You haven't said much all day.  You are usually chirpy."

"Just dealing with some things."  

"Are those "things" relationship issues?" 

"How could you tell?"  I set down the bucket of water with soap.  

"Been there, done that.  Let's finish up what we are doing and drive to the park to talk.  Does that sound like a plan?"

"I would love that."

Finally, someone to talk to...


Julia and I sat on a bench by a pond.

"So Ava, tell me what's messing up your mind these days."  

My heart more than anything...  "I am just lost, confused, lonely, confused, confused..."  I paused.  "I am a mess these days."  

"Well, sounds like you are confused more than anything."  She chuckled.  I looked over at her and showed half a smile.

"Colton and I were two peas in a pod.  Nothing ever got in between us.  We hung out 24/7.  You know, just two kids madly in love.  Ever since college started, him on the football team, and what not, things just aren't the same.  He barely makes time for me.  He doesn't even stay home much anymore.  I don't even see him anymore.  He doesn't even go to my games, but I will go to a majority of his.  He wouldn't even kiss me in front of his friends...  Also, he kept side-eyeing this girl and I don't know how I feel about that."  

Julia took a deep breathe.  I spoke up again, "Oh, and his brother, Luke..."

"Alright, lets focus on the first issue.  Colton."  Julia took another deep breathe.  "I am a honest person.  I'm going to tell you how it is.  Do you trust Colton."

"Trust?  As in trusting him around other girls?  Oh course..."  

"Ava...  I have been in a few relationships and your man is starting to act like how my exes were when there was someone else."

"You mean as in another... girl?"  My heart shattered.  

Ava put her hand on thigh.  "Yes."

"I-I'm not sure.  Not that I know of...  I mean we did get into a big altercation and I was compared to other "college" girls, but I don't know."

"What did he say?"

My face became hot and red.  "He compared me to other girls, saying they put out more, than me."

"What do you mean?"

"Basically bragging how they sleep around and I am still a virgin..."


My throat started to burn.  Tears were forming in my eyes.  Julia pulled me into a hug.  "It is going to be okay."

Will it though?  I wiped off a tear that was running down my left cheek.

"Do you have social media?"  Julia asked me.


"Does Colton?"


Julia got on her phone and started typing away.  "What is his last name?" 


A few seconds past and Julia looks over at me.  She has a sadden face.  She flips her phone around.  "Is this him?"  I couldn't believe what I saw.  "May I see this?"  Julia shook her head yes and I took her phone.  It was a picture of Colton, on Instagram, with his arms around another girl's waist.  I slide over to see more pictures.  He had pictures of him with his friends I assume because I have never met them.  They were pictures from a party, from what it looked like. The same girl he had his arms around, was the same girl he kept side-eyeing.  There was another picture of the same girl kissing his cheek.  

My stomach hurt and it felt like I could pass out.  I kept my composure and continued to stalk his page.  He had no pictures of us on his instagram...  Almost five years together and not even a single picture.  Why have I never noticed.  Oh yeah, it is because I don't have this social media crap.  Maybe I should have it though...  I clicked on the girl's page.  She had so, many beautiful pictures of herself on there.  Even pictures of her body in a bathing suit.  She was perfect...  I scrolled down farther and saw two other pictures of her and Colton.  They were just selfies, but the one picture was a picture of them standing in front of a mirror and his arm was around her shoulder.  We use to take photos like that...  

I handed back Julia her phone back.  "I think I saw enough..."  

"Ava, I am so sorr-"

"Julia, thank you.  I needed an eye opener.  Please text me those pictures we found.  I want to walk home."

"Ava, it will be a thirty minute walk from here to your place."

"I am okay."  I bent over and hugged Julia.  "Thank you."  

I walked away, while Julia watched me from the distance.  We didn't even get the chance to talk about Luke, but that was the last thing on my mind right now.  

What have you been up to Colton?

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