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Once the universe was bare, only lonely stars littered the sky. Then, came Amai. She was the first being to ever breathe; made of grass, trees, and everything that was the planet of Zakara. She was the ground and the rocks. Amai was Zakara's soul. Amai was lonely, however. She didn't have anyone to keep her company, except the sky, and they were oh so far away. But; every evening, as the suns lowered and met the sea, she wasn't lonely anymore. Still, Amai was tired of waiting all day to meet her love. So, she created creatures to keep her company. Her children, Gods who watched over the world while she slept. Out of the beautiful rivers that ran wild and the vast seas, she made Rziwi, God of waters. Out of the grass, plants, trees, and flowers, she made Huswa, God of the living land. Out of the air and wind came Domu, God of the sky. From rock and dirt and everything below, she made Hesi, God of the afterlife, and all things under the skin of Zakara.

Lesser gods were made by Rziwi, Huswa, Domu, and Hesi. Gods of all sorts of things. The Four main gods also made other creatures, called Almaara. Rziwi made creatures who would enjoy swimming in the water with her; Huswa made woodland creatures to eat the grass and loiter in the forest; Domu made flying creatures who loved being in the air; and Hesi made creatures that lived down below with her and helped her process all the new souls coming in.

Still, these beautiful lands needed more than Amai's children or her children's children to appreciate it. So, she made creatures, more children, that would protect and love the land, sea, and sky. When their time on Zakara came to an end, they would go to Hesi and become a part of Zakara for the rest of Amai's days. In exchange for protecting her land, sea, and sky, Amai gave her creations some of her power, just enough to protect her while she was asleep, in case the Gods got tired as well. She called them Sihirians. These creatures, her children, would blossom and love Zakara as Amai fell into a thousand-year slumber.

But, before Amai fell into her thousand-year slumber, she spoke of a prophecy.

"One will come with a power greater than us all.
A trio made of pride and truth, or I will fall.
Storm and Fire against the King of Bones,
Shall be the one to take my throne."

Amai spoke ominously of a King of Bones, a hero with more power than even Amai herself, and Storm and Fire. Her children asked her what she meant by that, but by the time she finished speaking, she was asleep. Amai fell into a deep sleep, and wouldn't awaken again for another millennium. So, her children set out to decipher this prophecy, but no one could. It was a message that got lost in time.

Her children roamed all of Zakara, free and beautifully wild. However, other beings wanted to create children that would worship them, as well. The suns gave their children resistance to their heat and promised that no harm would come to Amani's children— for the suns loved Amai deeply. The moons also wanted children to watch from a distance for entertainment. The moons made children who would appreciate their vast beauty. They lived in harmony and appreciated each other's gifts.

Soon, though, these children grew cruel and greedy. They wanted to be powerful, more so than Amai's children. They pushed and pushed, throughout history, and eventually, the Sihirians were confined to a small corner of a world that was once theirs to wander.

And, scarily, more gods came, and more children of these gods were placed on Zakara. With each one, more of Zakara's history, its soul, was forgotten.


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