Chapter One

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I am not happy. I just got called into the K.O.R.T., or Knights of the Round Table, at two-thirty in the freaking morning. What on Earth was so important? And on a Monday, no less.

I walk into the building, swiping my access card. I love twenty-first century because it's so simple.

I get inside and the place is in complete chaos. Sir Tristan and Sir Gareth – who I can't believe still want to be called that after I granted them immortality for their honor, bravery, and loyalty to King Arthur, although I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that speaks to them without the 'sirs' – are running around like crazy. Sighing, I snap my fingers, and everything freezes except for the three of us.

"Gareth, Tristan, what on Earth is going on? You're running around like chickens' with your heads cut off." I say, looking at them both.

"Madam Grant," Tristan starts, panting for breath. It makes me wonder how long he's been running around because he doesn't lose his breath easily. "There's been an alarm. Both Marcus from NCAVC and Graham from the BAU have called you. They say that there have been mysterious deaths, but they refuse to tell me anything else. They won't talk to anyone but you."

"Get them on the phone. Tell them I'm here and expect full reports on the situation.

"Yes, Madam."

I snap again and everything unfreezes. I touch my throat as I speak, making my voice echo throughout the building. "Everyone calm down and concentrate. This is not how we act, no matter the situation." I move my hand away from my throat and my voice returns to normal. Everyone seems to calm down.

"Gareth, tell me exactly what else is happening."

"Seven of our units are missing. They went out on patrol last night and never checked in. We-"

"Seven?!" I cut him off.

"Yes, Madam. We sent Benjamin and Harvey out to check it. They're sending reports every fifteen minutes. We've got trackers on them as well, so we'll know where they were if they happen to disappear as well."

"Good. Get Daniel down from his summer home in Canada. I have a feeling we'll need him for this."

"Yes, Madam." Gareth rushed off, and I walked over to Tristan.

"Tristan, phone?" I asked and he put it on speaker. "Marcus, Graham. We have to stop talking like this."

Graham chuckled shortly on the other end. "Lydia, Marcus and I were talking, and we think it'd be best if you came here. How fast can you get to the Colorado Desert in California?"

"Uhm..." I looked at my watch. "I can reach L.A. in a little less than six hours if I leave soon. You can fill me in while I'm on the plane. Marcus, status report?"

"Well, Lydia, it's not good. We have six mysterious deaths that the local sheriff is wanting to call suicides, plus three missing persons at the moment. The media is asking for a statement, but the deaths aren't suicides. I'll send you the files to look over."

"Thank you. Send them to Graham as well. I'll look at them on the plane. Graham can see if they're similar to what's happening there. I'll talk to you both soon. Stay safe, boys."

"You too, Lyds." They both said before hanging up.

I turned to Tristan and Gareth, who were both standing nearby. "Gareth, did you get ahold of Daniel?"

"Yes, he's on his way to Rockford to touch base with Marcus."

"Good. One of you get the pilot on that plane, I'm leaving in twenty." I said before heading to my office.

I made an announcement so everyone was notified of the situation, I left Gareth and Tristan in charge before leaving, travel bag in hand. Once I was settled on the plane, I pulled out a tablet, the files from Marcus and Graham already there. I pulled them up and looked through them, the tablet resting on the table. There were three little screens built into the wall of the plane. When Graham's face popped up, it startled me.

"Graham, what's up?" I ask, concerned.

"There's been another murder. Lyds, it's Hayleigh."

"Wait. What? Hayleigh, your wife?"

"Yeah. My God, she came to California to visit her parents. I talked to her this morning. She was fine. She sounded fine. Did I miss something?" Graham started panicking.

"Graham, calm down. I'll be there as soon as possible. For now, I can't have you on this case. If I keep you on, it's a conflict of interest. Tell everyone I'm putting Frankie in charge. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I do. I'll let them know." He nods.

I smiled kindly. "Good. Now, I'm looking at the files you sent me, and something doesn't add up. We have two drowning victims and one burn victim, but no fire or water was nearby?"

"Yeah, we think the victims were killed elsewhere and the bodies were staged.

"I'd have to see the bodies and the crime scenes. Graham, the last two victims, I'm confused. The autopsy reports say C.O.D. was old age, but neighbors say they were mid- to late-thirties?"

"Yeah. I've got some of the local law enforcement working on it, as well as Carson and Aleisha, but no one has anything yet. I swear, Lyds, it's like magic."

I chuckle because I already figure he's not wrong. "It's not magic. Magic doesn't exist." I lie, taking a deep breath. Marcus popped up on the screen beside Graham. "Marcus, is everything okay?"

"It's all gone, Lydia. Evidence, crime scenes, even the freaking crime board at the station."

"What? How? What happened?"

"Someone destroyed everything. Surveillance has nothing because it was looped. No eyewitnesses because everyone was out working." It's obvious that Marcus is distressed.

"Mighty Tempus..." I muttered. I put my head in my hands, trying to think. "Uhm... Oh! I have everything on my tablet. Marcus, I'll send everything to Daniel. Make sure he's aware of the situation before he opens it. I can't send it to you for fear of someone managing to wipe my tablet."

"You're a lifesaver, Lyds. I have no idea what we'd do without you."

"Hon, you'd all be dead, that's what." I smiled.

"Very true." Graham chimed in, making all of us laugh.

"Alrighty. Graham, I'll be there soon. Marcus, warn Daniel and get him up to speed. I'm sure the media's making stuff up at this point, so tell them you've called in a specialist and have the situation under control. After that, only tell them things to keep the civilians calm." I say, giving Marcus his orders.

"Yes ma'am." he said before they both hung up.

Pulling out my phone, I dial Daniel's number. "Please pick up..." I mutter, really needing some advice.

"Daniel Masters." I hear the voice of my best friend pick up.

"Danny. You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice right now."

"Hey, Lyds. What's up?"

"I need some help."

"What's up? Gareth wasn't too clear." I heard rummaging in the background.

"He doesn't have clearance to tell. Where are you?"

"I just landed in Illinois. I'm about to head to Rockford."

"Fantastic. I sent you the files Marcus sent me. Did you get them?"

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

I smiled. "Be safe, hon. Wendy and Charlie need you."

"Of course. You too, Lydia. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and studied the case files until we landed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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