chapter 15

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I gripped the steering wheel so tight, that my knuckles turned white against the poorly lit dashboard. With the fury and shock coursing through my veins. The flickering streetlights cast fleeting shadows across my face, revealing the scars and scratches I had just earned on my face etched by betrayal.

My eyes, we're full with disbelief and hurt. I pressed my foot hard on the accelerator, propelling the car forward with a sense of urgency that showed my need to escape the heart-wrenching pain suffocating my soul by downing whiskey because that's the only escape I can think of.

Out of everyone in this world, Aryan's the one who betrayed me. I trusted him with all I had and this is what I get? I thought my relationship with Aarya fell apart because we had grown apart and we had different goals. But she felt me because of my best friend?

All those arguments we had, of how much of a bad boyfriend I was, weren't because of our differences but the fact that she had already fucked my best friend? I couldn't help but wallow in self-pity. Even though I didn't want to I did, I let myself.

Outside, raindrops fell on the windshield, mirroring the blurred lines between the reality I knew and the painful truth that i knew now. I moved through traffic, with longing for the need to lose my ability to think as the outside world became a mere memory of the storm within me.

The world outside seemed to slow down, while inside, the flames of betrayal and heartbreak burned with every passing moment. It hurt like hell when she left me but it hurts even more to know the real reason why she did what she did.

As the tires screeched against the wet pavement, and i tried to calm myself. My breathing became erratic, and i couldn't help but drive faster. It was dangerous yes, but what could i do?

At that moment, I wasn't just driving I was going throigj so many emotions that i couldn't even comprehend. I was driving through the darkness of my mind and the heartbreak. I knew people would change but Aryan and Aarya weren't just people to me. They were important pieces of my heart, and today I lost them both. I didn't just lose them, I hated them now.

As the tires again screeched against the wet pavement, I stopped the car and walked outside my car into the rain. I let the water hit my face, which made the blood on my face run down. I jogged from there to the bar.

I moved past the people swaying to music and enjoying life and themselves. At least they looked like they were. I walked up to the bar and ordered whiskey, neat. The bartender handed me my drink and I chugged it. I told the bartender to keep the drinks coming until I told him to.

I took my drink and walked over to the crowd of people. Some of them were dancing to music, some of them were arguing and then my eyes fell on the couple dancing in a way that was literally similar to dry humping. I have been to so many bars in the world but I will never get used to people dry-humping in the middle of a crowd, because that, it's just so weird so fucking weird, I swear.

As I moved through the crowd, a girl wearing a silver dress, walking backward bumped into me spilling some of her drink. She turned around and that wasn't just any girl, it was Maya.

My Maya. Just the sight of her calmed all the anger that was still brewing inside of me

"Ra-yaaan" she slurred

"Are you drunk?" I asked

She placed her finger on my lips, "Shhh don't ask questions, come dance", she held my wrist but I didn't move a bit. "Come on, I know you're just my imagination. but let me have fun with the version of you in my head" she slurred

"Maya stop. Are you drunk?" I asked again, holding her by her wrist and taking her to an area with more light so I could look at her properly.

Ignoring my question she asked, "Why is your lip bleeding Rayan?", in a normal voice, like she wasn't drunk with concern flashing through her eyes, while caressing the cut on my lips.

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