Chapter 1; The start of Footnote

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They were at a party in Barty's house, getting drunk and having the time of their lives or some had the time of their lives but Regulus nor James did, because moments before Regulus had drunkenly stumbled into James and had held on to him tight saying; "You know, Jamie, I really, really like you." James had laughed at first thinking it was just a friendly conversation.

"Why are you laughing, I'm serious." James snorted. "I thought you were Regulus."

He sighed as he looked up at James, even though he was drunk he was done with that joke, it was overused and not funny. Regulus shook his head at James as James burst out laughing. "No, stop with that." He said as he slapped James lightly on his cheek. James grinned at him. "But, I'm serious Jamie, I like you."

"Oh, like friends?" James questioned. "No." Regulus pulled away from James. "Oh." Came the reply from James. Honestly, James hadn't expected that. Regulus was too drunk to care about what he said at that moment, but he knew he would regret it as soon as he woke up tomorrow. "Reg, I don't like you like that..."



That hurt a lot.

"Sober up," James said before pulling back, clearly getting uncomfortable and awkward. Regulus looked at him with a broken expression on his face as he processed everything, James walked away and Regulus just stood there still, staring at where James had been just a moment ago. He had fucked up big time. Regulus wasn't ever going to reveal his feelings for James to James but apparently, his drunk-induced brain thought it would be a smart idea.

Regulus stood still for a few more good minutes thinking about the fact he was probably going to lose James as a friend, knowing he would lose James the moment he sobered up, which was killing him. Regulus could feel his eyes burning, silent tears ran down his face as he tried to run out of the party. Regulus bumped into bodies, trying to get to the front door. He muttered apologising to those he bumped into.

Regulus finally arrived at the front door and opened it, when outside he made sure he was alone before he sank down one of the walls and hugged his knees to his chest, putting his head down and hiding it with his face on his knees while crying. He sat there crying for a while before Barty and Evan appeared, they were making out as they stumbled out of the house. He didn't know why they were outside making out when this was their home but they are weird drunks.

They finally appeared to notice him as they pulled apart. "Reg!" Barty yelled, happy to see his friend before noticing his tear-stained face. "Wow hey, why are you crying, reg?" He said as he crouched down to touch Regulus's knees. "Did anyone do anything to you? We will punch them if someone did do anything." Evan said as he sat down on the concrete beside Regulus.

"Yeah, we would beat someone up if they did something." That drew a few more tears from his eyes. "Do you need anything?" Regulus shook his head, a few curls fell in front of his eyes. "I accidentally told James I liked him." He said quietly as Barty replied, "Oh, so why are you crying?"

"He didn't like me back." Tears began welling up in his eyes again as he said those words. "Oh," Evan said quietly, there was silence before Barty reached out to drag Regulus into a hug. Evan joined them, Regulus didn't hug back he just laid his head on Barty's shoulder.

Eventually, Barty and Evan pulled back. "Do you need anything, reg?" Barty asked as he tried to wipe away the tears that had settled on Regulus's face with his thumb. He shook his head at Barty, not bothering to reply. Evan and Barty shared a little look and decided silently they were taking Regulus back home. Barty stood up and held a hand out for him to take.

"Let's get you home." Barty lifted him to his feet once he had taken his hand and they silently walked towards the sidewalk to call for a cab. "Just gonna text Dora to stay here until tomorrow." Barty finished his text and returned his phone to his pocket. "You guys don't need to help me.." regulus said quietly, sniffling a little.

"What do you mean?" Evan turned towards Regulus and cocked his head to the side, confusion written across his face. "You don't need to help me get home, I will be fine. Just go back and enjoy the party." His face was turned downwards as he talked. "We want to help, Reg. We are also not leaving you alone right now no matter how much you want us to." Barty

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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