Chapter 5: "Hatin' Love"

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Chapter 5: "Hatin' Love"

Four weeks flew by and Trey and She'yanna are still going strong. Shay was skeptical about how their relationship would work out without sex, but it only made things a little bit more interesting for the two of them. Trey continued to take her out at least three times a week to compensate for it, plus it gave them an opportunity to really get to know each other. It was something different for the both of them. Trey was the player type. To put it simply, he got around so a sexless relationship was something different for him. For Shay , she forgot what it felt like to spend time with a guy who wasn't constantly trying to get in her pants and she was enjoying every minute of it. She wasn't the only one who enjoyed Trey's company; Te'yanna had fallen in love with him too. She made him play with her all day and talked his head off all night. Lloyd was no longer the king of her heart. On the other hand, Lloyd had been acting weird around them. Shay didn't know what was going on with him. The video game sessions with his best friend slowed down and Shay hanging out in his room had completely stopped. Shay wondered what was beginning to happen to them. Was he upset about her spending time with Trey? Was it jealousy or overprotection?

As for Will, he had been missing in action for weeks, but Shay hadn't even noticed. Since his parents started stepping in for him, she didn't even miss him. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor started paying for Te'yanna to attend daycare, which freed up a lot of Shay's money. At first she was a little stubborn about it, but they weren't going to back down. Everything was finally beginning to look up for Shay.

5 o'clock that evening, Ciara took Shay to pick up T-T from daycare. Shay walked in and went to the front desk.

"Hey, Mrs. Daniels." Shay greeted her child's teacher. She was a middle aged white woman, who had taken Te'yanna up under her wing.

"Hi Shay, How are you."

"Good. Where my baby at?"

"In the play room, let me go get her."

Shay signed her out and saw a suspicious name under Te'yanna's"

"Kavion Taylor?" She said out loud while thinking. There are a million Taylors in this world. What are the odds that this one was related to Te'yanna. Shay walked into the playroom. Another teacher, Ms. Heath, was seated in a chair surrounded by kids.

"Hey She'yanna." The female greeted her. She was closer to Shay's age so Shay knew she wouldn't feel weird about the questions she was about to ask her.

"Hey Ms. Heath. Uhh can I talk to you real quick?"She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Sure." Ms. Heath got up and walked over to the door with her.

"Who is Kavion Taylor." Shay asked.

"Oh. He's a new kid we got about a couple weeks ago. He's close to two years old and is so adorable."

"Is he still here?"

"Yeah, why?

"Let me see him, please?"

"Oookay...Kavion come her baby." Ms. Heath called for him. Shay stared at his face as the the little boy stumbled over to them. Shay took out her phone and called Ciara to come into the center. Once the baby finally got over to them, she picked him up.

"Hey man!" Kavion smiled at her. Ms. Heath was right, he was adorable. His little button nose wrinkled up when he smiled at her. The same way Will's did.

"Is he a relative?" Ms. Heath asked.

"No, he just has the same last name as my daughter.

"Ohhh." Ms. Heath put two and two together.

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