Chapter 14: "I Refuse"

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Chapter 14: "I Refuse"

As the weeks passed, things seemed to get a little easier for Shay. The transition happened immediately after hearing Trey's voice. Knowing that he was ok set her heart free just a little bit. She still had to get over the fact that the two of them could, probably, never be together.

Shay and Te'yanna were up early that morning preparing breakfast before Wendy would arrive home from work. Shay hadn't talked with her Aunt since the miscarriage and hoped today would be the day that she could mend things. As selfish as it seemed, Shay just needed some time to think things through without someone telling her what she needed to do or how things would get better with time. For once she wanted to figure things out by herself.

Shay and Te'yanna were preparing to sit down and eat when Wendy dragged into the kitchen door looking worn out from a long night shift.

"Sure does smell good in here." Wendy said as she sat her bags up on the counter.

"Hey Auntie!" Te'yanna shouted before shoving a fork full of pancakes in her mouth.

"Hey baby." Wendy kissed her on the forehead.

"Yeah, sit down and have some too." Shay broke the ice. "I'll make you a plate."

Wendy smiled. "You aint gotta tell me twice." She walked up to the sink, washed her hands, and then sat down.

Shay sat a plate of food and a glass of orange juice in front of Wendy.

"Thank you, honey."

"Don't mention it....Umm...Auntie?" Shay said hesitantly.

"Yes, baby?" Wendy looked up at her.

"I am so sorry for all the stupid stuff I said to you that day. I didn't mean any of it. I was just..."

Wendy cut her off. "Hurting. I know, baby. I completely understand. You've been through a lot. You are entitled to lash out a few times."

"But that was totally disrespectful. I don't know what came over me, but I'm doing much better now."

"I'm happy to hear that. You look a lot better too."

"Yeah, I've been going to church these past few Sundays too." Shay confessed.

"Really? What made you decide to do that?" Wendy asked surprised.

"Well, I was sitting in this house day in and day out and one day I decided I would get out and let T-T get some air. I was sitting in the park watching her play and something kept telling me that it wasn't healthy for me to be carrying around that onesie like I was. So in order to help me heal, I took it across the street to the church daycare and donated to them."

"Wow! That was so big of you." Wendy commended her.

"It was hard though. That thing was attached to me for weeks and then walking into that daycare and seeing those tiny babies...of course, you know I was bawling. But I had a long conversation with the counselor there and she's been guiding me ever since."

"That's great She'yanna. I'm really proud of you, niece."

Shay smiled. "Wait, not yet. You didn't hear the good news."

"Well what is it? Hurry up!" She joked.

"Your niece is now employed."

"Really? Where?"

"At the church daycare, which Te'yanna will also be attending-free of charge. That way I can spend time with her and she can interact with other kids."

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