Chp 1

85 2 1

Keeva's POV:

This Irish weather will be the death of me one day, I'm currently running though the busy O'Connell street of Dublin trying to get to one of my favourite cafe's and out of this miserable, bipolar weather that is currently pelting down on me.

as I arrive I open the door into this small, warm coffee shop greeted by a vintage/retro neon light up sign in the window. The cafe's combined with a record store, the walls are covered in old band posters, records and books. there's couches and tables throughout and a record player and a piano at the back of the cafe. I'd say its one of my favourite spots ever.

I've come here a lot over the past 2yrs since I moved here with Ava, who's supposed to meet me here later today after her photoshoot.

I walk up to the till to order when I'm greeted by Rachel one of the baristas, "Hey keev, how are you!? usual?" "Hey Rachel! yes please, I'm good how are you?" I say back handing her the money for my 'usual' order which is a mocha and a croissant "I'm good thanks!, I will bring that over in a minute if you want to grab a seat?" "Thanks Rachael". I walk away and grab a seat near the window and take out my laptop to start editing the rest of my photos for my portfolio which I have 5 hours left to send in for my last college project for Dublin Photography School.

I've been looking for jobs to do with photography since I graduated school 3yrs ago but no where will take me because I didn't have a degree so this was really my only option it's the only thing I really enjoyed and wanted to do and it has to work.

being a photographer is what I've dreamed of doing since I was 8yrs old when my grandad showed me pictures he took when he was younger, they were old and worn but it was the memories they held .

the pictures were beautiful but the one that really caught my eye was one of my granny at the beach, she wore a flowy dress and a pair of sunglasses holding her hair back, you could just see the love they had for each other, the way she looked at him through the camera. the way he looked at her through the photo, that's what I wanted to do capture moments like that.

I wanted to capture moments of love, happiness, excitement, amusement, calmness, surprise, sadness all of it.

I was currently editing a picture I took of Ava which she allowed me to use for my portfolio when Rachel came up with my order. "here's your orde- oh my god keeva these are AMAZING!! did you take these??" she said pointing at the laptop witch was currently open . "aw thank you so much Rach!, uh ye I did" I say back to her with a grateful smile. "wow girl your talented" she placed the coffee down and smiled before walking back to the till to help out more customers. "thank you!" I said once again as she walked away before going back to editing.

about an hour or two passed and I'm still editing making sure everything is perfect, the spotify tab is currently open on the corner of my laptop along with the current photo I'm editing, not taking notice to customers coming in and out of the shop. the current song I was listening came to an end and a new song I've never heard before came on, it was good and without realising I was moving my head along to the song.

a minute or two later I felt a tap on my shoulder which gave me the fright of my life I practically nearly jumped out of my chair, I look up expecting it to be Ava but I was wrong I was met by a guy with a pair of sun warmed hazel eyes, freckles scattered around his face and wavy brown hair that was falling in his face, nearly forgetting about the fright he gave me not even 2 seconds ago.

I take my headphones out and pause the song currently playing, "jesus u sure know how to give a girl a fright" I say looking up making eye contact with the guy currently standing in front of me. "sorry I didn't mean to give you a fright" he said holding his hand up "sooo can I help you with something? its just I'm really busy" "uhh ye ye right sorry uh I'm guessing you don't know who I am?" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"should I?..." I reply with a confused look on my face. he laughs to himself "It's just that's my song your listening to- well my bands song" he points at the open page in the corner of my laptop, I follow his finger to the 4 red and blue faces on my laptop and I read the song title 'it won't always be like this' and then the name 'Inhaler'. I look back at the guy standing beside me and the first blue face on my laptop screen and back to the guy and they looked to be the same person.

"sorry but this is the fist time I've heard it" I say expecting him to just apologise and walk away but he dosen't he's still standing there with his eyes on my laptop screen. "is that it or??" "did you take these!?" hinting towards the photos I was currently editing. "ye I did, now is that it it's just I'm really busy and I have to finish editing these because I'm on a time cruch" "sorry sorry ill get to it, these are amazing this might be a really odd question but would you like to be our band photographer??" in a state of shock after hearing what he said all I could say was "what!?"

"I mean I would have to show our manager and the rest of the band but I think they would definetly be on board, see were going on tour in a month and were currently on the look for a new photographer since we had to let our former one go and your work is amazing!" "sorry but we literly just met and I don't even know your name yet and you want me to go on tour with you have you not heard of 'stranger danger' how do you know I'm not a seriall killer?" still in shock that this guy I just met is a musician and asked me to go on tour with him.

he laughed "Right sorry I'm Elijah but you can call me Eli, and I'm not a serial killer, are you?" he placed his hand out for a handshake "well hello Eli I'm Keeva and no I'm not a serial killer" I laughed as I shook his hand. "so what do you think?" "I don't know I would have to think about it and talk to my room mate and stuff" "well here's my number and when you think about it text me" he took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed me the peice of paper "see you around keeva" "see ya eli" i watched as he walked out the door with 4 other lads.

I opened the piece of paper he handed me and it said

'text me 089 524 ----- Eli x'

I quickly finished up editing my photos and handed them in with 2hrs to spare and headed home, I told ava to meet me back at home instead of the coffee shop.


AAARDTRDHUYGU first chapter done x

really hope you enjoy this one :)

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