chp 2

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keevas pov

I arrived home feeling sick to my stomach about what just happened earlier today the mix of emotions were a lot, don't get me wrong I've dreamed of this moment since I was 8 yrs old but now that there's a real possibility for it to happen I don't know how to feel. the feeling of doubt circluling around in my head, all I could think was what if I mess it up?, what if I let the lads down, what will Ava think?

it's not even confirmed that I would be able to get this job and I'm already stressing, I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the door open and close, Ava was home. "hello?" ava says walking into the sitting room where I was, currently sitting on the couch "hey how was your shoot!?" I get up and give her a hug. "it was so good keevs! guess what!!!?????" she pulled out of the hug looking as if she was about to burst with exitement. "what!!??" "I'M GONNA BE ON THE COVER OF 'ELLE' MAGAZINE!!!!!!" "OMGGGGGGGGGG AVAA!!!!" I gave her a hug and we were now jumping up and down screaming like absolute maniacs.

"Ava omg that's amazing, I'm so proud of you!" I said with tears in my eyes. "aww thanks keevs- omg wait I nearly forgot did you send in your portfolio yet!? how did it go??"  I laughed to myself as I answered. "ye I handed it in they were really good I'm acctually quite proud of myself" I said with a big grin on my face. "aw that's good you'll do great I know you will" she said hugging me yet again. "there is something else though" the nerves taking over my body as I talk.

"what?- r you ok? what happened?" she said worringly "no-no it's nothing bad it's just- it- this guy came up to me today and he saw my photos and asked me to be is photographer for his band" I say looking up at Ava who has a shocked look on her face. "I'm sorry- WHAT!???" she screamed with exitement "oh my god that's amazing keeva-!!! what did you say, did you say yes!!!??"  I laughed at her reaction " well no not yet, see there going on tour in like a month and they need a photographer and I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to say anything without checking with you because I'm kind of shitting it, what if I do say yes and they I make a complete fool out of myself an-" I started to nervously ramble on before getting cut off by ava.

she placed her hands on my shoulder "keeva are you insane this is what you've dreamed of since you were like 8!, of course your going to do it. you would be amazing and they would be lucky to have you, I mean it. now please tell you have his number of something so you can say YES!!!" I smiled greatfully at her and nodded "ye ye I got his number here" I pulled out the piece of paper with Eli's phone number on it, before I could even open the piece of paper it was snapped out of my hands my Ava who opened it at read it.

with a misterious look she looked up at me "oooh who's Eli??"  we both laughed and I told her what had happened at the coffee shop and how he saw his song open on my laptop and how he said he was in a band. "wait what's his band called?" she questioned "I can't remember one sec" I open my spotify and look at my listening history, I laugh as I see the same name I saw earlier.

"inhaler" I look at Ava who has a not convinced look on her face "what? there band name is 'inhaler' no way" "I swear here look" I laugh and turn the phone that's currently open of there spotify page. we make eye contact after she read the name and burst into laughter.

"oh that is funny I'd love to know where that name came from, wait witch one is Eli?" I agreed with her and point to the 3rd guy who's, wearing a light shirt and a blazer and who's also looking into the camera.  "oh my god.. he's FIT, they all are esspecially him omg" she points at the 4th lad who's wearing a dark shirt and a light blazer with a mullet while I burst into laughter again and give her a look to say she's not wrong.

"ok were getting distracted, text him text him right now and tell him yess!" "ok ok I'm doing it calm down" I open messenger and text Eli

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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