small update on me and life

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Been a while since I updated here, I know.

Life's been shit I'll admit it. We're stressing over bills needing to be paid, a few of our cats this year ended up dying (two being my cats kittens), my grandmother passing away a week before my 18th birthday, you know- the good stuff.

I just hope 2024 will be better, not just for me but for everyone.

So, anything new?
Well, slowly coming back here is one thing, another thing, I'm gaining my motivation for my original series again! So, you might see me posting about it here.

Will there be a server on it?!
Uhhhh- short answer, not really
I've had some iffy experiences helping run a server and that didn't go so well 😅 (do not ask me what happened I do not want to say it to the public, ever)

New art?
Short answer
I'll post it in my art book very soon 🥳 (aka after I publish this XD)

Any good things happened?
Well, we got a dog! A nine month old German shepherd who our cats hate XD (they'll warm up to him soon, three of them have already, so it's a matter of time till the others warm up to him too)

And as stated before, my cat had kittens! She had three mini cookie doughs, sadly though two of them didn't make it (we don't know why, the only hunch we have is that it was her first litter and there were lots of complications) she still has one of them, his name is crumb! Only issue with him is that he's losing fur, but it's not anything serious (if it was nix, another cat of ours would've gotten it too since they sleep and play together a lot) it's due to over grooming himself from stress (getting a dog that he's terrified of since hes itty bitty and the puppy is big). He'll be ok though.

How's school?
As a senior in high school (12th grade) there's a lot of pressure I can feel on myself and I am super nervous about it all. But, with the support of my family and friends I'm pushing through.

How's the job?
Eh- decent enough. I work with my mom, dad, and two of my siblings so that makes me feel more comfortable (we all work in the same location,  not family owned). And yes, I work now in case some of y'all didn't know. I only work two days a week right now, which might change after I graduate (which would put my videos and story's on a huge pause if that happens)

Will I be going to college?
Huge maybe, I wanna go to a good art college and hopefully one day make my own graphic novel or comic or manga (who knows, maybe I'll do them all!) If I get out there amd do it, you'll know it's me since I'll be doing it of my characters! So we'll just have to wait and see where the future takes me

Will you still run your channel?
Uh yeah! Is that even a question!? I'll still do gacha videos and hopefully someday, with my art I can post comics on there! And even on my Instagram!

Anything new here?
Sorta, I'll be redrawing some of these book covers soon, ones in progress right now! So stay tuned for that!

That's all the updates I have for you guys today and an explanation as to what's been up, I hope you all have a great day

Untill then

Cat~con out!

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