Chapter 4 - Worlds Collide

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Everything has been normal, to begin with. The classical music filled the large event hall, and guests mingled and enjoyed themselves. Some were dancing, some drifting toward those they knew, and others taking up residency on the small tables around the sides of the room. A few slipped out the balcony doors every now and again for fresh air before rejoining the ongoing festivities. Those Mark had long since branded as enemies and labeled criminals seemed to keep their distance from each other. Evolution, Vince, and Roman stayed on one side of the room. As Kim had done with Randy, Stephanie had pulled Hunter to the dance floor. Batista stood by and discreetly watched those of the TNA faction. Occasionally, someone would approach him to participate in a light conversation before waltzing off again. More often than not, though, Nikki Bella stayed at his side as if to keep him company and save him from the overly flirtatious women gawking from a distance.

Those who were part of the TNA faction stayed away from their foes on the opposite side of the hall. Only Jeff Jarrett was brave enough to mingle with Shane and Roman, reminiscing about old times and making arrangements for a future business meet-up. After all, their partnership had worked well in the past; there was no reason it couldn't benefit them now, too. For the most part, Roman kept an eye on his cousins floating around the room. Siko looked menacing in the corner near the stairs, almost as if he was on guard. Jimmy and Jey were minding their own business. Jimmy was on the dance floor with his wife Naomi, and Jey was minding his business at the tables, seemingly lost in thought.

The two hounds and Punk were on guard but tried their best to mingle. Punk often engaged in conversation, doing his best to get to know those around the city, those important enough for an invite to the Christmas event. AJ was at his side most of the time, helping to keep things light-hearted and cheerful. Seth spent most of his time near the balcony doors, seemingly keeping watch on those around the hall. He casually spoke with those he knew, Corey, Rhea, and Dom, as well as members of the OC. Occasionally, he'd nod to others. Dean, like Seth, kept watch of their enemies around the hall while dancing with Renee. He'd made her a promise, one he was determined not to break.

For the most part, JD stayed close to the fire exit, ready and prepared to extract if required. He blended in to the point that many who passed him thought he was a member of the hired security. He didn't speak a word but did offer a discreet nod to those of Judgement Day and Aleister, those he trusted and worked closely with. Rhea and Dom, on the other hand, mingled, danced, and seemed to enjoy themselves as much as they could but also kept watch in case anything went wrong. Rhea, as always, had come prepared and made sure her fellow found family were too.

Mark, for the most part, almost sulked around the hall; he'd clocked everyone he believed to be a danger and mercilessly glared at every one of them if only so they knew he was on to them. However, he'd missed JD and Corey. Michelle did her best to lighten her husband's mood, to distract him, and to remind him this was a social event and not work. If she wasn't doing that, she kept an eye on Victory and her two nieces. Kane and Crystal, for the most part, mingled with others. Kane, with anyone who approached him and members of the triarchy he'd created, was always discreet. Crystal joined the table Punk, AJ, Corey, and Carmella occupied, pulling them into the conversation and removing Mark's attention from Punk for a little while.

Finn entertained Summer, willingly leading her to the dance floor while alerting her to Fandango's presence. The Irishman gave his word she'd be safe and kept a smile on the leggy blonde's lips by telling jokes and funny stories. Aleister stayed close to Emma, clocking Zack Ryder when he turned his attention to the middle Calaway sister. Several times during the event, he'd point out others Emma could go to. From Seth in the corner nearer the second set of balcony doors to Punk and AJ on the tables and Dean on the dance floor. The Dutchman had mentioned others but commented neither were there, instead sticking to the shadows and waiting for the right time to reappear.

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