Chapter I - The Foundation

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One may believe that in a world where supernatural creatures roam alike, vampires would be human's biggest predators. That is not the case. Albeit dangerous, their numbers decreased through the past centuries, remaining no more than small, bothersome, scattered covens. Alas, remnants of a time long forgotten.

Lycanthropes, on the other hand, with their human-like intellect, superior strenght and senses, got the upper hand not only in warfare but in normal day to day society. With ample legislative power and seats in the very same parliaments that they built, they have constructed a safe haven for themselves.

That is what makes these species so strong. A combination of both physical and mental characteristics that sets them apart but also makes them so similiar to the ones who time and time again stand bowed. Oh humans... docile sweet creatures those are. Nothing more than potential halves of a soul to lycanthropes, destined to suffer at their hands. With no chance of freeing themselves of the bond that connects them, they are sent on a path of no returning once marked by their better halves.

This is how our story begins.


Author's note

Hello everyone!

Here it is, my first book on Wattpad. Even though I've been an avid Wattpad user for many years (and then moved on to AO3), I've never really tried writing a book. After years of imagining scenarios in my head before sleeping, I'm finally trying to put it into writing, in the hopes of not only improving my English (not my mother tongue) but also just to learn how to write a book (very different from uni essays!).

So please, if you spot any weird spelling/mistake, please let me know!

I hope you enjoy my take on the werewolf/soulmate trope that we all love, and leave a little heart and comment! Those are very much appreciated!

And I also hope you liked the trailer - it's not much, but it's honest work.


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