Chapter VIII - The Run I

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Stepping out of the train was a suffocating experience. Escorted out by the guards, both sisters were lead to an ever growing queue of jittery humans, where they were made to wait for their turn to be assessed.

Tabitha knew from her sister that the organization comittee would firstly separate them into groups, where they were to be frisked by the wolves. This was a sure way to ensure nothing was smuggled into the arena and that one's belongings were to be safely stored by the staff during the event.

In the middle of the confusion, Tabitha and Maeve were separated and taken into different groups.

Tabitha didn't recongnize anyone from hers, so they were most likely from neighbouring towns. She tried poising herself in the same way she saw her sister - head eye and shoulders back - but standing in the middle of a crowd being almost flunked by the wolves left her heart thundering.

Then her first challenge came: smuggling the flask inside. She knew that their belongings were to be analyzed for anything suspicious in case they were to be sent away with a wolf, so she had to keep the wolfsbane on her, even if she didn't plan on using it during the Run.

Ignoring her almost paralyzing fear from being surrounded by so many watchful wolves, she stepped forward to be pat down.

In front of her stood a tall woman with a dangerous figure. Tabitha was obviously in the presence of a royal guard. She could feel it in her bones, a predatory gaze on her that even in most wolves wasn't common.

"Name?" She inquired with a raised thick brow.

"Tabitha Drake."

And then she proceeded to be submitted to a search.

And then it was over, as quickly as it started. The flask was still concealed, not even a feather touch felt.

This was good, great even. She had clearly overestimated them. The mutts regard for mating was too high. Even touching someone in a not so decent way could be perceived as a direct attack to a wolves honor. No wolf in their right mind would go against Artemis' wishes.


And then she was pushed out of the way, directed to the border of the forest. Lining up with her fellow men and women, even if from different towns, brought her a smidge of confidence that only came from hosting the book club.

Looking up at the moon she felt that maybe she could do it. Tomorrow she'd be sleeping at her sister's house after making peace with her.

After all the unmated humans were standing in their rightful place a booming voice was heard.

"Welcome, everyone, to this years Run!"

The applause from the unmated wolves boomed harder than the announcer's voice,

"We are pleased to announce that this years event will be starting very very soon! To this year's new unmated, we are so very pleased to meet you!"

Tabitha couldn't say the same.

"Once you hear the starting cannon you will step into the forest, humans. From there, you will have a thirty minute head start from the lycanthropes. You may give them chase, but remember that the goal is not to hurt one another, but to find your other half."

Too soon the cannon was heard, and the Run began.

Tabitha started with a light jog. Most humans were afraid of what was to come, so they ran at an unsustainable speed, hitting each other accidentaly with some even falling to the ground.

Since she was behind and had ample time, she helped those around her while she took the moment to try spotting her sister. But to no avail. Maeve had most likely been put into a different part of the outskirts of the forest, so going out of her way to find her would probably put Tabitha too close to the start of the forest.

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