(chpt 1)Bakugo's twin

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"OI, Brat wake up!" Bakugo stated while shaking Y/N awake. "Nooo... give me five more minutes" Y/n mumbled. "WAKE THE FUCK UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" Bakugo yelled. "Late?," she checked her phone"Oh shit! we've got five minutes" Y/n jumped out of bed and pushed bakugo out of her room Y/n closed her door. She put on her uniform and put her hair into a ponytail (If u don't want a ponytail u can just imagine it to be something else)

 She checked her phone "2 minutes to get to school" she thought to herself. "C'mon kat, we gotta go!" she opened her door and ran downstairs and Bakugo followed "Bye Mum, bye dad!"Y/n told her parents as she ran out the door  as she ran out the door "bye old hags" bakugo said as walked out the door. Y/n got on Bakugo's back "hurry Kat!" Y/n says. "hold on tight" Bakugo used his explosions to make them fly


"i wonder where Bakugo is, he's never late" Denki told Mina. "yeah, but have you heard about the new student? they said that she's hot" Mina stated. "Oh yeah i heard tha-" Denki stated before he got interrupted by Bakugo bursting through the door with a girl on his back. "Hey bakubro! who's that?" Denki asked. "None of your damn business!" Bakugo yelled. Y/n got off his back.

"Alright everyone's here," Aizawa stated "The girl that Bakugo was carrying is the new student, so may you please come and introduce yourself please" Aizawa added on. "Yes sir," Y/n walked to the front of the room "My name is Y/n bakugo," Y/n states "fair warning. just because i act sweet dosen't mean i won't beat your ass" Y/n added on. "... wait... Y/n bakugo..... YOUR BAKUGO'S SISTER????" Denki yelled. "Hey, Y/n, long time no see!"deku said.

307 words! niceee for my first probably non-cringe story

Bakugo's twin?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora