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Y/n POV!

My eyes had become heavy, and soon. All I could see was black, I blacked out.
Until I saw something. Or.. someone

"Acid freak!"

"Give up! You'll never be a hero! You'll just be a villian loser!" 
"leave her alone!" A certain small spikey blonde yelled at the two bullies, even though he was one himself.The bullies terrified,like they were gonna shit there pants. They quickly ran away

I stood up, and I limped over to my brother and I fall into his arms "It's gonna be alright sis, let's get you to the nurse" My brother says, or what I call him, Suki. "N-no it'll be fine, i can heal myself at home.." i immediately respond. "Fine" Suki responds. Bakugo puts me down and we start walking to our... foster home.

Suki opens the door to our foster home, "We're home!" Suki yells. He walks in the house and i follow behind him. "Hey Katsuki!" Shonda, our foster mother says happily. Suki doesn't respond, he rolls his eyes and takes out a paper with his test score on it, he gives it to Shonda, "Wow, you made a 89! good job" She congratulates him. Suki then walks up stairs and slams his room door shut, in a pissy mood much. "Brat, where's your test scores" Shonda's attetion is turned to me. I hand her the paper, "an 100?! how dare you get a higher grade then your brother!" Shonda yell's at me. She slaps me in the face. "Go too your damn room, don't come downstairs for dinner either" Shonda states. I run upstairs to my room, i wanted to kill her at the momment she slapped me

i close my door and i lock it, i get on my computer, i log into a website called, "RejectsFromSociety". (No its not a real website) I log into my account

                                        Welcome back, Acixplosion

                           Acixplosion has logged into the Chat, RejectsFromFamily

SparksFly: And that's how i kicked his ass!

SleepingCatBag: That's wow.

                                                                   Acixplosion: Uh.. tf is going on?

SleepingCatBag: Sparks just telling us how he kicked one of his bullys ass

QueenMA: Yeah, it was pretty funny

Dr.Dolittle: Yeah!

DieOfMusic: it was lame.

                                                             Acixplosion: Are you guys gonna aply for U.A?

DieOfMusic: Yeah


Dr.Dolitle: Ofcourse!

SparksFly: yeah, cuz y would i not?

SleepingCatBag: yeahh...

                                                                    Acixplosion: If we make it in, we can meet up!                                                                                                                                                                                                    
QueenMA: yess! and we could make tiktoks together

DieOfMusic:not too much with the tiktoks

                                                                     Acixplosion: lmao

SparksFly: shit, my moms home! guess i gotta go to get another beating

                                                                      Acixplosion: Gl sparks

                                       SparksFly has logged off

                   Acixploson: i guess i better go too, Shonda will be up here any minute to check if i'm sleeping

QueenMA: ok! bye girly!
                                                                                             Acixplosion: bye silly
                                      Acixplosion has logged off
                                       Everyone has logged off

I close my computer, i gwt up from my junky desk and i get in my bed. forgetting to unlock the door. as i lay down i hear a loud bangging on the door, "OI! YOU FUCKING BRAT UNLOCK THIS DOOR!" Shonda yells pounding on my door roughly. I sit up and i get out of my bed and i unlock the door, Shonda immediately bursted into my room making the door hit me in the head. i fall to them floor and Shonda glares at me "why was your door locked!?" She yells. "I-I had forgot to unlock my door" i stutter. "WHY WAS IT LOCKED IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE!" She yells and kicks me in the ribs. I yelp in pain. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT!" Shonda picks me up my the collar and she throws me on the ground. i push away from her as she walks closer to me, "I had locked my because i didn't want anyone disturbing me.." i state. Shonda punches me in the face "i told you not to lock your fucking doors!" She kicks and punches me in the face after each word, "Don't let me catch you locking doors again" She walks out of my room and she slams the door.

I stand up slowly, i walk into my bathroom, i turn on the light and look in the mirror to see my bloodied  face and clothes, i open the cabinet and i grab a medkit, i clean the cuts and bruises on my face, then i bandage my face carefully. I then put the medkit back in the cabinet, i close the door and turn off the lights and i sit at my desk and open my computer and log into RejectsFromScociety, i then log into the gc

                                 Acixplosion has logged into RejectsFromFamily

Ihatefire: And thats why i hate fire.


                                                                                   Acixplosion: i- uh.. i see that

SleepingCatBag: Is it just me or has Sparks been gone for some hours?

DieOfMusic: I noticed too?

QueenMA: he gave me his phone number, i can try calling!

Ihatefire: why do you have his number?

QueenMA: no reason.

                                                    Acixplosion: she likes sparks! even tho she don't know him irl!

DieOfMusic:hey guys, since the U.A entrance exams are in 5 moths lets meet up at Kimuro beach to train!

QueenMA: agree!
                                               Everyone agrees

DieOfMusic:This weekend at 5 PM try not to be late

                                            Everyone has logged off

Suddently i hear slow beeping and i regain vison.

"what the hell!"

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