Chapter 49

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Adriana's POV

It's been a few days since the party incident and dad is still in a bad mood. He grounded Alessio for two months. I got a really stern talking to from Uncle Dima for letting them hit me. It surprised me to see him so upset over something so small. He normally only scolds me when Niko and I cause trouble.

I'm sitting on the kitchen counter doing homework before everyone gets home. It's nice having the house to myself. I normally get alone time Monday through Friday since my last classes ends before eleven am.

I jump when the back door opens abruptly. I see dad enter looking upset.

"Hi JJ. What are you doing home at this time?"

"I have all my volunteer hours so I don't have to go to school anymore." I answered

Since all of my professors take attendance, at the end of the semester I just turn in my class attendance grade to the main office. They'll go back and change my attendance chart to reflect the days I went to college. This way I can still fulfill my attendance requirement to graduate without stepping foot in that high school. It's a pretty solid system.

"Have you eaten?"

"I'll eat later."

"Adriana, you're fourteen. At some point you've got to start taking care of yourself." He began scolding me

"I was in class all morning. It just slipped my mind. I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear an apology. I want you to start taking charge of your health." He snapped harshly

"Okay, and I'm trying. Whatever has your panties in a twist has nothing to do with me so don't take it out on me!" I closed my laptop and started collecting my things to go to my room

He just stood there contemplating his actions before speaking up

"I'm sorry JJ. You're absolutely right."

"You've been like this for days. What's going on?" I pried

"Nothing for you to worry about."

"If you're being a dick it kinda is something for me to worry about."

"The judge is upset I violated the court order. We've submitted all the evidence of abuse but he's penalizing me nonetheless. He did however take away Alessandro's overnight visits. You guys only have to see him for eight hours on Saturdays."

"Is it still unsupervised?"

"Unfortunately, Alessandro begged for another chance and was granted it."

"What else about this news is making you so crabby?" I followed up sensing there was more to the conflict

"Since I cut his time short the judge is allowing them to tag along on both your college tours."

"What?" I clenched my fist

"I know."

"That's fucking stupid! Xander didn't want them knowing where he was going to college since he's scared of them."

"I raised that point but they countered that as a D1 athlete he'd be easy to find."

"This was supposed to be our week." I frowned

"I know baby. Life is fucking cruel." He walked over and hugged me

"I don't want to go then."

"You two need to visit your schools so unfortunately I will not be canceling this trip."

"I'm not going!" I yelled and ran off

The plus side of living next door to the artifacts is that I could visit anytime.

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