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Briar Bermont:

Anyone you want but I just chose my friend

Anyone you want but I just chose my friend

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16 but is the youngest of the group



Loves Pink, her family, and Robbie (apparently)

Hates people who get close to her to get to her parents and people who think she has no talent and got into school just because of her parents. And snakes

Weakness: shellfish

Daughter of Melody Monet-Bermont and Brian Bermont

Sister of Montez Bermont and Monte Bermont (known as the twins also identical) and her cousins

"Back away older Vega, I'm not asking my mom if you can go on tour with her."

"Rex!!! I think someone is stalking you."

"Cat I love you but I promise you I'm not related to Sleeping Beauty..."

Robert (Robbie) Shapiro

Robert (Robbie) Shapiro

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Loves his bully Rex and Briar (his crush since he laid eyes on her)

Hates being underestimated

Weakness: Dairy and Gluten

"Ria, your family scares me"

Rex's Friend -Robbie Shapiro Where stories live. Discover now