Playing with Children

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Everleigh's POV:

(As I showered trying to wash away the guilt and disgust off my body, Dustin slept in the next room over. If I could, I would kill him. Him and his stupid hair that falls in front of his face, his stupid hat, and his stupid fur vest. I HATE Dustin Mendoza.)

Narrators POV:

(She didn't know it yet, but her anger, rage, and regret was turning into something. Something dangerously powerful.)

Everleigh: Hey Dustin, I think I'm gonna head on out. My dad should be finished by now.

Dustin: You're not going anywhere Evie

Everleigh: Excuse me? I'm going home whether you want me to or not

Dustin: This is your home Evie. You belong here with me. You, me, and Mandy.

Everleigh: Mandy!? Who the hell is Mandy??

Dustin: Our daughter.

Everleigh: I would only have a kid with you if my life depended on it dipshit. You'd be a terrible father. Plus we're kids.

Dustin: Oh sweet innocent Everleigh with pigtails... (steps closer) Your life DOES depend on it (smiles wickedly)

Everleigh: My life isn't in danger. You're not a threat to me Dustin, we used to be friends.


5 year old Everleigh: I love you Dusty!

7 year old Dustin: I love you too Evie! Promise me that when we're big kids, we'll get married and have a baby girl!

5 year old Everleigh: I promise Dusty! We can name her Mandy!!

7 year old Dustin: *gurgles* I love that name!

5 year old Everleigh: It's you and me against the world Dusty! always and forever!

------------------------------End Of Flashback-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dustin: It's you and me Evie. It always has been, and always will be. Remember? us against the world always and forever right.

Everleigh: Dustin we were five. things were..... d-different back then

Dustin: Yeah you're right. You used to have a fucking sense of humor back then.

Everleigh: You taught me things I did not need to know at that age

Dustin: Oh please Evie, so I taught you how to kiss and mess around a little. So what?

Everleigh: So what? SO WHAT!? Dustin. You took advantage of me. You forced me to do things I couldn't even understand back then. So I will be leaving. You can forget about Mandy, because it's never going to happen.

Dustin: (sighs) fine have it your way. But your dad won't be happy when you get home.

Everleigh: My dad's never happy with me Dustin. Why's today any different?

Dustin: Because today.... Today he got an anonymous email telling him that a transfer was made out of his bank account.

Everleigh: So....?

Dustin: In YOUR name

Everleigh: No.... (starts to cry)

Dustin: So it's really your choice babe. Either go back home and get killed by your father. Or spend your life with me... which if you refuse I'll kill you myself.

(Everleigh can't choke up a response over her sobbing)

Dustin: You know I love you sweet cheeks. But you really need to grow the hell up (pulls out a gun and points it at Everleigh)

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