Making Children

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(Everleigh sees the gun and immediately drops to the floor and stops crying, fearing for her life)

Dustin: Good girl, now stay there and don't move

(Everleigh is too shocked and scared for what might happen if she fights against Dustin, so she stayed quiet and did as he said. When Dustin returns he has a baby rattle in his left hand and a leash in his right)

Everleigh: W-what are you going to do with those..?

Dustin: Well Everleigh dear. Since you asked SO nicely, I'll tell you. (holds up his left hand) this is for Mandy (holds up his right hand) now this..... This is for you (smirks)

Everleigh: I-I n-no p-please (starts crying again)

Dustin: If only you had listened to me sooner and just stopped talking

Everleigh: Please Dustin I-I promise I won't say anything anymore

Dustin: (steps closer and puts the leash on Everleigh) sure you won't. (drags Everleigh into his room by her feet while she kicks and screams)

Everleigh: NO PLEASE DUSTIN (scratches the floor with her fingernails) HELP

------------------------------ 9 Months Later------------------------------------------------

(It's Saturday, December 7th and newborn Mandy Nicholas Mendoza has just been born)

Dustin: Aren't you proud Everleigh, we finally have everything we've ever wanted

Everleigh: I'm so proud (weakly smiles)

Dustin: Now i'm sure you're very tired right now, but just know that tomorw I expect you to be back to your normal self cooking and cleaning

Everleigh: You have no idea how tired I am... And tommorow? really? I-I mean they just cut me open and took a baby out of me that I've had to deal with the pain of for nine months

Dustin: I know I know, but i'm sure you'll be fine

Everleigh: R-Right

Dustin: See this is why I married you (kisses Everleigh's forehead)

Everleigh: (struggles to sit up) mhm (Looks and Mandy in Dustin's arms and starts to pray)

----------------------------------The Next Day--------------------------------------------------

Dustin: So you're going to need to buy Mandy her gifts for christmas since it's coming up so soon

Everleigh: G-gifts? I thought her gifts would be all the toys and stuff we already got her

Dustin: (laughs) No Evie of course not! Our baby girl deserves the best, don't you agree.

Everleigh: R-right I was just uh- kidding (fake laughs)

Dustin: Oh! hahaha funny.

Everleigh: The only thing is that uh- I don't have money

Dustin: Didn't I just give you your allowance?

Everleigh: Right but I used it for groceries and the hospital bills

Dustin: Well then I guess you're going to have to learn to make toys or something because you know to spend your money wisely for the month

Everleigh: Y-yeah i'll uh think of something

---------------------------------Later That Day---------------------------------------------------

(Everleigh spent the entire day trying to teach herself how to knit a sweater for Mandy, but no matter how hard she tried, it never came out like the one's her mother used to make for her. After getting frustrated and giving up, she decided to turn on the news and was shocked to see her eighth grade graduation photo with missing written on it.)

Everleigh: (mumbles) is someone actually....looking for me?

News Lady: Everleigh Watterson has been missing for about 9 months now, her Father Ruford Watterson has been worried sick trying to find her. Police say they've contacted all of her family with no answer. If anyone sees her, call this number +18104924808

(Everleigh rushed for the house phone to dial the number but not before Dustin came in and turned off the television)

Dustin: That's enough TV for one day missy (knocks out Everleigh with a bat)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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