Splat. (chapter 1)

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Kel, Aubrey and Hero stood next to Basil, who was badly beaten. Kel had woken up in the middle of the night after hearing Basil scream. Both Sunny and Basil were found unconscious. They were quickly rushed to the hospital.

Kel stood on the side of the bed, looking out the window, just waiting. Waiting for something to happen when..

A small pale boy with short black hair quickly passed their window. Kel stood up in shock. "Holy shit."

Hero flinched at hearing his brother cuss. "Kel, langua-" he paused. As he saw the small raven boy fly past their window.

"..You guys.. saw that too right..?" Kel looked at Aubrey and Hero whose mouth were open in confusion. Hero slowly nodded.

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. SUNNY!!" Aubrey yelled.

Kel ran out of Basils hospital room and raced down the stairs. Aubrey following shortly after.

A sickly feeling planted itself in Hero's stomach. Basils eyes began to flutter open.

"Huh.. where is everyone..? What happened to sunny.?" Basil said, scouting around the room.

Hero stared blankly in front of him,"... h-he's.. in a better place now, okay?."

"WHAT?!" Basil tried to get up but Hero quickly stopped him. Hero began to weep.

"No, you stay here. I'm going to get a nurse... I'm sorry." Hero turned around and ran out the hospital room. Basil sat in his bed, practically dumbfounded at what just happened.

Kel rushed down the stairs. Aubrey, who was far behind, yelled out to Kel, "GODDAMN! WAIT UP!"


Kel's attitude sort of made Aubrey flinch. He wasn't the bright, bubbly and dense boy that everyone knew him as. For once, he was... serious? It was hard to describe. But right now, he was right. There was no time to waste.

Kel raced down the stairs, finally getting to the bottom of the mountain of steps. He rushed out of the Hospital searching desperately for Sunny.


He heard it. A mix of bones crushing, blood splattering, and flesh hitting the hard gravel ground. Kel slowly looked down to see...


Kel collapsed onto his knees. He sobbed while trying to "wake up" his best friend. "Everything was perfect. Why? Why sunny? Why didn't you say anything?" Kel cried.

"Kel.. stop.." Aubrey gagged.

"..his head..."

Kel looked at his hands, that were covered in blood.

"..its gone."

Kel looked at the rest of Sunny's lifeless body, and sure enough, she was right. Kel stood up and backed away. He could hear Aubrey puking behind him. Kel stood there and stared at Sunny, his best friend, or at least what was left of him.

Hero burst out the hospital doors behind him, panting he ran up beside them, about to ask where Sunny was Hero looked down. He ran to help Aubrey, who practically went limp and was balling her eyes out.

Kel fell back down to his knees and just sat there as tears trickled down his cheeks.


-So this is my first story I've ever wrote. I don't usually write but I think I did pretty well. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or feedback I really appreciate it! To be continued!!!!

 If you have any suggestions, ideas, or feedback I really appreciate it! To be continued!!!!

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Also, here's the drawing for the cover I drew!!! Okay next chapter guysysy

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