A gladiolus sees through. (Chapter 5)

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Tw! Cursing.

(Also there's kimbrey or what ever Aubrey and Kim's ship name is in here)

Aubrey swung on a swing set at a park everyone used to hangout at. She had been skipping school most of the days and she dropped her gang. She was only friends with Kim and Angel. She pulled out her phone and began texting Kim.

Aubrey: "Hey Berly. You wanna hang later?"

Kim: "yea sure. Also stop using that nick name, it's embarrassing"

Aubrey: "I'll totally stop, don't worry."

She chuckled at her phone. As she texted Kim, she saw a pair of dirty, orange sneakers appear in front of her. She looked up to see a tan boy with shaggy semi long hair.

"What do you want?"

Aubrey snarled. It was Kel. She hadn't talked to him ever since the incident with Basil. As Kel talked to her, she felt rage boil up inside of her. Aubrey felt like Kel didn't care; like he just forgot about EVERYTHING that just happened. Aubrey jolted her head up and began yelling at Kel. Aubrey found herself crying, so she tried to calm down a bit...

"I don't want to talk to you. Not now, Kel.. I'm tired. I don't have time to hang out and waste my breath on an idiot like you. Go."

Aubrey said, her voice hoarse and hurt. She watched as Kel slowly backed out of the park. Aubrey looked back down at her phone and began texting Kim again. She peeked over her phone to see Kel looking at her before finally leaving. She let out a sigh of relief. Aubrey wiped her face with her sleeve and continued to text Kim.

Kim: "Hey?? What's goin on??"

Kim: "Hellooooo?? R u there??"

Aubrey: "Sorry. Kel just came up to me."

Kim: "oh.. that bozo.. yikes.."

Aubrey: "Yeah. I honestly wish he would leave me alone. I need some fucking time, you know?"

Kim: "yea I know. U still wanna hang out??"

Aubrey: "Sure. I'll pick you up at your house and we can head to Gino's."

Kim: "Bet. Cya!!"

*aubreygine_bunnylover hearted 'Bet. Cya!!'*

Aubrey closed her phone and began walking down to Kim's house. The memories of Kel comforting her.. sunny lying on the ground lifelessly... listen to the radio's at Kim's about Basil.. the grief at their funerals... the thoughts raced through her head like gazelles.

When she finally reached Kim's house she knocked on the door, waiting patiently outside. Kim opened the door and for a brief moment they both forgot about everything. They hugged and began walking down to Gino's. As they arrived at Gino's, Kim and Aubrey took a seat and began chatting.

"So Aubrey.. I just want to make sure.. uh.. are you okay?"

Aubrey's eyes widened a bit in shock


"Are you okay?"


Aubrey paused. She looked down at her hands. This time, she didn't feel angry. And even If she DID feel, angry it was probably at herself.

"Aubrey. Hey?? Hello???"

"Ack! Yeah?"

"Are you okay"


Aubrey took a deep breath.

"I.. no.. I don't know why I hurt everyone I meet."

Aubrey began to vent to Kim, and by the time they left, Aubrey felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest. She decided from now on, she was going to change. Or at least try to.

As Aubrey walked Kim home, they chatted about school and graduation and what they would do. Once they reached Kim's house, they hugged. But.. before Kim went inside she kissed Aubrey's cheek and bolted into her house. Aubrey stood in front of Kim's house, flabbergasted. Yet, she felt a fluttery feeling in her chest. She walked home that night feeling good.

Feeling like she could do something- anything to better her mental health... and others too.
YAY!! Two chapers out!! Sorry for not being active, stuff has been going on and I just want to let y'all know I'm still here!
I really, really would appreciate feedback, so thank you!!!
Next chapter, if writers block doesn't get to me, here we come!

Aftermath - OMORI's bad ending..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin