Sensory overload

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(A/n this one-shot is told by me (Oliver) I can be my own oc hahaha.It is really hard to write in first person when your writing yourself  as a character. This is  basically what happened just using different words because I can't totally remember what happened. My thoughts are in italics as always. Trigger warnings: a bit of accidental ableism, and accidental deadnaming)

*Oliver's pov*
I have my good days and I have my bad days when it comes to my adhd and pots. Today is one of those bad days and of coarse it's a holiday so I have to be perfect or whatever. I have no motivation to do anything but read and stim but I can't do those things.

  Today is thanksgiving and I'm expected to talk and interact with my family. We are at my cousins house.

I just ate food and stood up way too fast. Oh shit im seeing stars. "Addi why don't you talk to your cousins. Your being rude by sitting here on your phone. If you continue to look at your phone and not socialize i might take it later." my mother said sternly.

I'm sorry I don't feel like talking or doing much of anything right now except for reading/writing and I'm sorry that I feel like shit and feel like I'm about to fall over. Like do you really want me to pass out I don't think so.

"Ok sorry I'll go talk to Ashley or someone" I said kinda pissed off. I really just want to go home and sleep.

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