I'm scared

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(A/n this one shot is told by a new oc who I made up like 5 minutes ago. Her names Nick. She has long blonde hair and is semi tall. Trigger warnings: yelling,punching,alcohol, calling the cops. This is based off something very traumatic that happened to me.)

*nicks pov*
I just got home from cross country practice and took a shower. After my shower I went downstairs to grab some snacks and water and then I went up to my room. I opened my laptop and popped my earbuds into my ears.

*tinsy tiny time skip cause brain isn't braining 45 minutes later*

I hear yelling and screaming. Oh no my sister came home drunk. " you guys are trying to ruin my lifeeee." I hear my sister yell at my dad. I did not need this today. Ughhh. Why can't she just stop. She knows it's not good for her. I hear my sister banging around in her room which is conviently right next to mine. The walls are paper thin. Im just gonna blast music so I can't hear her.

I hear my dad come up the stairs yelling at my sister that she's gonna end up breaking something. Suddenly I hear someone getting punched in the face. "Nick go down stairs NOW" my dad yells. "Ok I'm going" I said as I grabbed my laptop, phone,blanket, headphone case. As I go to open my door it gets slammed open. Thank god I moved before that happened or I would be in pain.

After I get downstairs I hear my parents calling the police.

*tiny time skip. 20 minutes later*

The cops showed up and took my sister to the hospital.

"Nick we have to go with her. Are you gonna be ok at home by yourself" my mom asked as she sobbed. "Yes mom I'll be fine. It's not like this hasn't happened before" i said unfazed. " I know. We'll be back in a bit." She says as she walks away. I go back upstairs with my stuff.

(A/n I've gone through a lot of things a teenager/child should not have to go through. writing about it spreads awareness.)

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