a totally normal gc

50 3 2

Unknown added i cant count people

Unknown left the gc

Ayano: A groupchat for us?

Izuku: I guess so!

Ayano: You must be Izuku correct?

Izuku: Yeah

Kokichi is online

Kokichi: wtf is this

Izuku: some sort of groupchat for the main focus

Mk: did you just break the fourth wall😨

Izuku: yes, yes i did.
Izuku: and where did you even come from??

Mk: dont know

Michael is online

Michael: What's this?

Mk: a groupchat!!

Michael: Im gonna get coffee so i might be offline for a while.

Mk: alright, see ya!!

Michael is offline

Cody is online

Cody: hey guys!!

Mk: hey cody!!
Mk: i found some candy shop in the street, wanna teleport to my fandom?


Mk and Cody is offline

Ayano: im pretty sure the others are offline busy right?

Izuku: yep, they're busy

Ayano: maybe we could chat tomorrow, sounds good?

Izuku: Mhm

Ayano and Izuku went offline

Kokichi: welp, i will get my panta.

Kokichi went offline

(A/n: yes ik, this is absolute sh!t and peace of garbage bc im not good at writing characters nor a gc fic and like i said, this is my first ever fic. i forgot some characters so i just claimed them as busy.)

Question: what should we name the gc?

BYE HOES!! (Words: 223)

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