Leave Me Be

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'You called in a... a fake call? How is that even possible!'

'Sir, I'm terribly sorry...'

'I'm starting to believe that you are hiding theses vicious criminals...!'

'Don't you ever speak that way to my daughter chief!'

I can't believe I'm stuck in this mess. My dad is already disappointed in me, I don't want more drama. But apparently, the stupid head of security isn't handling that.

'Sir, look. All we're asking for is compensation, and nothing more. If you comply with us.'

I finally spoke up. 'The man I brought here, where is he?'

The chief's face turned red. 'I took him to court for assisting criminal activities.'

'You know we could sue you for that right, since this is a private protection agency and you falsely accused him of crime. As well as this you are literally bribing us for things we definitely didn't do. I'm pretty sure you know how much fine gets paid out of that, and I don't think you have that kind of money, do you chief?'

Sweat began to pour on his face and stain his shirt, his brow wetting. His nauseating double chin began to wobble with worry. His hands began to shiver at his sides. He was outmatched by a little high schooler, and he didn't like it.

'We will discuss more on this later, but for now, you are dismissed.'

My father walked out, looking outraged, but once we got into the car, my father beamed. 'Wow. Who knew my daughter could trash talk a cop with something other than his dyeing fashion sense?'

I laughed. But honestly, I couldn't get that dude out of my mind. I knew it was dangerous, but even as he was there, I felt some kind of assurance, like he couldn't possibly hurt me, and when he pushed me against the wall...

My cheeks turned red and I panicked, afraid my dad would see, so I faced the window. Once home, I crashed immediately to my bed and dreamed myself away.

Next day;

Honestly, I'm hoping I see this dude again. I honestly don't even know his name, and I'm afraid he might try something horrible like call his secret gang of friends to assassinate me or something. I mean even with his new makeover; I couldn't forget that beautiful face.

I walked into school and Marcus walked up to me.

'Hey babe. I believe you have to partake the other end of the deal.' He teased.

I scowled up at him. He was so tall that it wasn't easy to scowl at him properly. I won't lie that the dude is really handsome, with muscles and an A lister smile, but there was one tiny difference between us: he was dumb, and cared very little for any specimen of life that wasn't himself. I have literally seen this dude scowl at a family of homeless puppies. I mean who can be that heartless?

'I don't know what you're talking about Marcus.'

'Oh, come on.' Marcus pleaded. 'You seem really relieved when I told you about that loser yesterday. You even kissed me on the cheek. That has to mean something, right. Besides, rumors are circulating all over the school were together. I thought I'd satisfy everyone needs by asking anyway.'

I rolled my eyes. How can someone be so stupid?

I reached my locker and began to sort my books so I could meet Tracy. I had a calculus test first period. I had to study. I didn't have time for this fool.

So, I calmly told him 'Marcus, please leave me alone. Whatever I did yesterday was a total mistake, because I had just taken medication. I was drowsy. I don't like you and probably never will, because you are an idiot.' I smiled at him. 'Bye!'

Then I skipped away with my books, hoping he got the point, but seeing as he was him, he probably didn't, but I didn't have time.

I walked straight into someone and my books spilled all over the floor.

'Sorry.' I said, not really sorry.

'It's okay.' Said a deep voice, too deep to ignore.

No, this is not the boy, I would have noticed him even in the rowdy halls. Instead, this is a senior who has just crashed into me, and I am blushing so hard.

My apology suddenly becomes genuine. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know you were crossing. You tend to be so quiet, I never noticed.'

His name is Kofi. He's a black American and seems to be so quiet. No one knows a lot about him, but we all know one thing; the dude is hot. With dreadlocks and aa faint stubble, with olive skin and a pearl white smile.

'Thanks.' He says, giving me a shy smile. 'I didn't know people like you would notice.'

I smiled. 'People like me?'

'Yeah, I guess I'm kind of intimidated by beautiful girls.'

Same old line, but I force myself to smile. 'I didn't think you noticed that kind of stuff.'

'With you it's kind of hard to miss.' He says, blushing.

My phone buzzed just as a blush warmed my cheeks. 'Sorry I have to check this.'

'It's okay, it's first period anyway. I should probably go...'

'It's Kira, by the way.' I smile.

I check my phone and two messages buzz to my notice.

One was from Tracy;

Where are you?

You clearly have a problem.

I'm studying without you.


That girl is going to kill me. But there is another, from an anonymous number, and it has a few words to say to me, but the first two words seems to scream at me and it is suddenly ringing in my ears.

Get here.

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