Your Name

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I am pacing around hoping that this will actually work. I am outside her house, after having her ignore my earlier text. We knew she wasn't coming; we would have been surprised if she did, but in accepting that message we were able to access her phone and in doing that, getting her address which was, ironically, a few meters from where we kidnapped her.


Now I am standing out of her house hoping that she doesn't answer the door.

As if all the gods were laughing at me, she opened the door.

Then slammed it in my face.


She slightly opened the door, her brown eyes assessing me.


'I need to talk to you, so if you used your daddy distress call, you're wasting your time.'

She raised an eyebrow, suspicious, and clearly not buying it. She still refused to open the door fully, which is infuriating in itself, considering that I needed to get in for the plan to work.

'I ask again, What?' she's annoyed, not the least bit scared.


I raise an eyebrow of my own. 'Can I come in?'

'Is that seriously a question?' she asks back.


I stare at her and see her blush heat her cheeks. She finally opens the door, but instead of leaving she is in the way. She is staring at me, her suspicions high, and it is taking all my will power not to smack her out of the way.

She must have noticed the annoyance on my face. 'You have about 60 seconds to tell me why you're really here or I'll use my daddy help me signal and the next place you'll enter is a jail cell.'

She stares at me expectantly, and the craziest story enters my head. I decide to use it.

'I left them. That's why I'm here. I don't...have a home.'

'Wait, what?'

I am looking at the ground not making any eye contact, so she can't read my expression and so I can't read hers. She's very good at discouraging me sometimes.

'I got fired and almost killed because I let you go in the barn. I was supposed to be in charge of that mission and when I failed they fired me. They couldn't just let me go because I knew too much so they had to kill me. I...I escaped.'

'Wait, hold on...'

'At school, I was trying to talk to you before your boyfriend came in and ruined everything.'

A pause.

A freaking long pause.

'So... you're trying to tell me that you came here... for help.'


I look into her eyes hoping that I looked desperate. 'Yes.'

She doesn't buy it, but I can tell she wants to help me. I need to see just how desperate she is to help me, so I drop to my knees and her eyes are as big as saucers.

'I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but I really need your help. Honestly I don't know what to do. Please!!'

She's probably flabbergasted. I would be, considering this is ridiculous. There's no way she'll believe this­-

'Fine. Get in. My dad isn't in so no one will get at you.'

I look up at her surprised. No way.

But she is walking fast behind me, so there is no chance that she will see my shock or I her own emotions.

What was she thinking? Did she just trust me plainly like that?

No, this has to be trap.

But I walk in anyway, making sure my phone is deep into my pocket.

She turned back. I hear her say; What's your name anyway!

Devon! I yell back.

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