5| Inayat's Victory

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1500+ words

In Vidyut's Office-

Author's POV:-

Inayat entered Vidyut's cabin to ask something and opened the door, "Mr. Rajvanshi, I was trying to fin--" she stopped in the middle, seeing a gorgeous girl sitting on his lap.

Upon noticing Inayat, the girl got up, while Inayat rolled her eyes. "FREAKING WHORE THIS MAN IS," she muttered inside her mind, expressing irritation.

Inayat said, "I'll come back after some time; you guys continue," sounding irritated.

Vidyut replied, "Wait Miss. Inayat--" he stopped her "--we'll continue this later," he said, winking at the girl who was sitting on his lap.

She smiled at Vidyut, then gave an annoyed look to Inayat, who had seemingly spoiled her moment with her untimely entry.

Inayat entered with an annoyed look, signaling the girl to leave, which she did.

Inayat said, "If you're finished with your manwhoring job, then we can continue our work?" sounding irritated.

Vidyut replied, "Come on, it's not my fault that I'm attractive. She is ready to get on her knees, so how am I doing manwhoring?"

Inayat retorted, "Bitchless behavior, rolling her eyes whatever. Just suggest to me where I can find Ashutosh Mehra's business models, cases, scams, and criminal records in detail?"

Vidyut replied, "Dev will give you all the details you want by 9 in the evening. And I'm not bitchless. I've way too many bitches around me."

Inayat said, "That's why I'm saying you are a manwhore."

It's not because I want them; they want me, so they are on my bed. How am I a whore when I didn't ask them for it?" Vidyut countered.

Just because mosquitoes are drawn to garbage doesn't mean the trash is so attractive." Inayat said rolling her eyes.

Vidyut, shocked and angered, pulled her by her waist, pushed her against the table, and then stood in front of her, totally caging her.

"By saying all this, you can't run away from the fact that you are attracted to me. You can't resist my charm," as he came closer to her neck, inhaled her perfume seductively, and said, "Chocolate flavor—love to eat that." 

Inayat felt something hot forming inside her stomach and felt her knees getting weak in anticipation when she felt his hot breath on her bare neck. 

"THAT FREAKING MENSTRUATION," she screamed in her mind. 

She thought, "Why am I blaming period hormones? Lol, I would still feel like this even if I were not on my period. His hotness is irresistible."

Inayat concluded, "My eye-rolls have more charisma than your entire existence. If I'm attracted to anything, it's the entertainment of watching you believe your own delusions."

She then stomped on his feet loudly, making him hiss in pain, and left, flipping her hair.


She is a freaking package with the spices of boldness and bitchiness.

As the catfights between Inayat and Vidyut continued, the day of their case hearing finally arrived.

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