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It all started with a mistake, a single mistake, a small fucking mistake

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It all started with a mistake, a single mistake, a small fucking mistake.

I regret it, regret it with my whole existence. I should've never had opened the door. I should've never trusted him or his innocence.

I inhaled sharply as my legs were shivering badly in the cold of the night. "No fucking no, I can't give up, not now." I shouted at myself as I muster up my whole strength and started running a little more faster.

Every single moment of the ugly times came running to my mind which weakened me to my core. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks only to be dried by the chilly wind. No, I can't return to the hell. It's better dying out of cold here in the woods than surrendering myself.

I don't know where I am heading to, all I see is endless trees in the way and the path is never ending. I kept following the moon, the forest was quite and the only thing I heard was my heart beating in my ears.

My last hope came crushing down when I heard the same deep voice that boomed in the surrounding. "STOP RIGHT THERE"

I didn't look back even once before changing my direction to the left and running in zigzag. I was breathless, my lips hurting, my face numb as the cold wind kept hitting on it as I run. My lungs were hurting because of continuously running from the past hour.

I panicked when I heard the crunching of dried leaves right behind me. I couldn't scream at all. It was like someone had sucked all the breath out of me. My knees were quivering like jelly.

I don't give up and I won't even if it takes me forever to run but I won't give up myself to him, I can't return back now.

"Stop or you will regret the day you were born!." His voice hoarse and irritation evident in them but I was still happy that his voice was in a distant and I still have a chance to escape.

I began to sob ugly as I saw a car headlights moving and I knew it was the end of the forest. I ran in other direction to catch up to the road fast.

Shiver ran down my spine hearing him shout out of frustration. "FUCK YOU"

Suddenly everything went silent. No footsteps behind. I think he fall down or something.

Taking the opportunity, I ran as fast as I can. I was both crying and laughing at the thought of escaping from him.

The night suddenly felt shining and sparkling at the thought of finally being freed.

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