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Dragging her body by the ankle while clutching his bleeding thigh, he make his way down the basements

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Dragging her body by the ankle while clutching his bleeding thigh, he make his way down the basements. He look down to the wooden stairs and then back at Eliana who was unconscious on the ground with her ankle in his hand.

"Time for some karma!" He smirk before stepping down the stairs and drag her nonetheless with him as her body hit each and every stair with a thud. She groan and wake up while clutching her head that was constantly knocking on the stairs. She let that happen, groaning louder with every hit.

Once down, he drop her on the basement dusty ground, her arms sprawled above her head, her forehead painted with crimson covering her left eyelid. He fall back on the stairs with a huff of tiredness.

Opening the cloth he tied around his thigh, he bite his trembling lip and examine the wound. It was the same as hers. She did exactly what he did to her. And moreover she dug it so deep, he felt as if his bone had been crushed.

He slowly get up with a grunt and with his other leg, he spin a hard kick forward to her torso. "OW" Her face scrunch up in pain as her rib bone went numb and her heartbeat faster than a bolt thumping in every part of her body.

He slowly bend on one knee and fist her hair in the root and jerk her up to face him. Her eyelids flutter, lips part as she pant in pain. He spit on her face. "You didn't liked the kindness I spare you huh?" His voice cold and angry. She was so tired she just wanted nothing but to sleep and wish the darkness would engulf her soon. Why wouldn't she? He dragged her on the ground all the way from the forest and back to this cottage.

"Leave me!" Her voice a whisper, her face covered with dirt and blood. She looked like a dirty feather that is vulnerable to even touch yet he was not done with her. He left her hair with a tug which result in her head hitting the ground as she lay flat. "Brave of you to even think that!" He snarl.

Next moment, his hand reach for her big shirt and he tore it halfway till her stomach. She gasp and weakly reach for his hands to stop him but he was already tying his thigh with the cloth. She slump on the ground, the cold breeze hitting her stomach while her legs are all cramped and numb.

"Why don't you spend the rest of your remaining breath here dying in the cold!" He said, his eyes wide with the smirk plastered on his face. She shake her head slowly as if it hurts. He chuckle deeply and then suddenly his face fall to blank and he said. "Rot here!" He stood up to leave, she reached for his foot and grip his pant sleeve.

"Its too cold, out here, don't leave me here!!!" She plead, he look down and the next second he step on her palm with his heavy boot earning a scream out of her. He left shortly while she gather her pumping bruised hand and hold it close to her chest. With difficulty, she curled herself in a ball as her eyelids flutter close taking her away from this harsh reality.

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