voicemail two

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"Hi Celia. If you're listening to this, it's too late. I've called you at a time that I knew you wouldn't pick up. Because even though sometimes you feel like nothing matters anymore, reading is still your escape. So naturally during study hall, you'll be wrapped up in yet another fantasy world where all your troubles melt away."

"Call me a coward, but I couldn't bear to hear your reaction, and part of me wishes I was more brave. Like you. Even though you don't feel it, you're the strongest person I know. Because even though you're dealing with all that you are, you still continue, you're still alive."

"I'm not sure where I'll be in about thirteen minutes."

"I started calling you because I had been looking for someone I could impact. I wanted to leave knowing that I had at least changed one life for the better. It's too late for me, but I didn't think it would be too late for you."

"I noticed it in your eyes, in the way your smile faded from your lips when you thought people weren't looking. It was in the way you would drag behind, with sluggish movements that you'd try to cover up by pretending to be energetic."

"Who knows? Maybe I will stay, just for you. Maybe I'll stay just to make sure you'll be all right. Because you will. Maybe it won't be today, or tomorrow, or anytime soon. But you'll make it out. It isn't too late for you, Celia. Remember that. You're a strong girl. I believe in you."

"But for now, I'm leaving. One way or another, you may never see me again."

"I feel like a bloody hypocrite, god dammit. Okay, I'll end this now."

"Remember: You are your own knight in shining armor. I'm just Damon, fading into the background."

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