Part 1 - First Day Back

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It was a Saturday morning and I had my first day back at Gymnastics, because I was away in Canada to see my family, I had my breakfast, brushed my teeth, did my hair and got dressed. Then that was me ready. It was about 9:30am when I arrived, then I saw.. Guess who? Yep you guessed it. Niamh North, the girl who is basically the opposite of me. And when I say opposite, I mean complete opposite, She has blonde hair and blue eyes. While i have Brown hair and green eyes. She's from the UK and wants to train at a Gymnastics Academy there. Meanwhile, I really want to train at UCLA! Right now, we are both in Texas training here. At the Forever Gymnastics Club. I'm pretty happy where I train right now, I dont think Niamh is.. Her parents had to transfer here because of work. I've always lived in Texas, that's why I want to train somewhere in America, Like UCLA. UCLA has been my dream every since Day 1 of gymnastics... Seriously?! Niamh is coming over here what do I say? Niamh : "Hey.. Ehhh whatever your name is, we've got to start training now. C'mon." Me: "Uhhh okay..." God she's so annoying, I've got to deal with her every training session, our coach always makes me train with her, but oh well what can I do? Niamh: "C'mon! We're on bars first!! Have you even warmed up?" I say: "No i haven't Niamh, I'm taking my time today." Niamh: "Oh My God. You're joking! Hurry up then.." Jeez, she's on something today, well I better warm up.. (After warming up) Niamh: "Finally you're done! That took ages." Me: "yeah, I'm done, but my warm up was literally 5 minutes.." Niamh: "I don't care! Get to doing Bar routines." Me: "Fine." All right well, now i have to do bar routines I guess. Oh Look! One of my other teammates is coming over. I say: "Hi Ria! What you up to?" Ria: "Oh nothing much, I want to see your bar routine!" Me: "Sure, Just after Niamh is finished." Ria: "Okay." (about 5 minutes later) Me: "Finally, She's done, now I can show you." Ria: "Go on!! I know you're good at bars!" (Finishes Routine) Ria: "WOAHHHH GOOD JOB BAILEY!" I say: "Thanks!!" Niamh: "Ehhh Bailey.. That was. Rubbish!" Me: "Niamh, I get it you don't like me but, I really don't care, that you think my bar routine is horrible." Niamh: "Whatever.." I knew she would say that, but honestly, I don't care about what she says to me. It is now the end of training, I'm so tired and I feel like I'm about to collapse. I can't wait to go home.. (I get home) OMG!! Finally Home!! I cannot wait to get in bed. Oh no. I just remembered I have gym tomorrow AGAIN! I've seriously got to deal with Niamh AGAIN?! What's she gonna say to me tomorrow, let's guess. Hmm maybe she'll say "yOu'Re nEvEr gOnNa gEt iNtO UCLA!!" That is literally the worst thing she could say to me. UCLA is my dream, even if she does say that, I'll just act calm and ignore her.. Totally. Ugh, I better get to sleep then..

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