Did she look in my diary? - Part 2

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It's been a few weeks since I went to Gymnastics. I don't know , I wasn't really feeling it. Well, tomorrow is the day I go back. I'm excited but not excited at the same time... (The next morning) Gymnastics day! Kinda excited. Just lemme get ready. Great I'm ready, Now let's go.. (I get to Gymnastics) Oh God... Not again.. It's Niamh. What's she gonna say now? Niamh: "You're back.. Ermm why have you been off for so long?" Me: "I didn't feel like going." Niamh: "Awhhh why not? Are you scared of me? Or of what I'm gonna say?" I say in a annoyed voice: "No. What are you gonna say to me anyway? I'm not scared of you.." Niamh: "Oh are you not? Well, what if I say.. You're no where near getting into UCLA it's just a dream getting accepted." Me: "That's your opinion. And I do not care about it!" Niamh: "Shut up." I say annoyed: "Okay then.." It was time for conditioning anyway so I didn't have to talk to her. *I look at the conditioning sheet* Oh God that's a lot more than we usually have on Tuesday's... Better get to it then.. (after conditioning) That was insane. Jeez. I'm first on Beam today, not excited about that. I'm working on my routine for the people from UCLA coming in to see who is good enough to go to UCLA I really hope it's me, even though it's in a year.. I've been making myself train so hard lately.. I don't really know why. I think it's all because of the whole UCLA thing which is stressful and Niamh is making it even more stressful than it already is. Niamh: " That routine was.. Ehhh.. Okay.. Now Bailey, Will you ever stop writing in that little diary of yours? " I say: "Well not really, I love writing in my diary.." Niamh: "Kkay i was just asking.." Huh.. why did she start acting so nice? That's unusual. (After gym) Okay! Hear me out! The craziest thing happened after Niamh started acting nice.. She asked for my Snapchat.. That's so weird. Right? Obviously I didn't give he- *PING* Huh.. What was that? Lemme check my pho- OH.. MA.. GAUD. IT'S NIAMH SHE FOUND MY SNAP?! But.. My snapchat user isn't even my name.. I only have my snapchat user in my diary, just incase one of my friends want it.. DID SHE LOOK IN MY DIARY?... I really hope not. Imma ask her on snapchat.. *Text* Me: "Hey, Niamh. How did you find my snap?" Niamh: "Hmm, I better not say, you'll be pretty mad.." Me: "What did you do?" Niamh: "Well... I might've looked in your diary.." Me: "OH YOU DID NOT!" Niamh: "I did. Suck it up." She did not just say that. I'm gonna block her. Now, to calm myself down, I'm just gonna go make some dinner. *I make pasta* This is gonna be delicious! *eats pasta* YUMMM, Now i better get ready to sleep. (The next Morning) Gymnastics AGAIN today! Let's get ready.. Great, I'm ready. Let's go! *At gymnastics* Niamh: "Hiiii Baileyyyy!!" I say in a slightly confused voice: "Uhhh Hi??" Niamh: "C'mon Bestieee!!" Me: "You hated me though.." Niamh: "Whattt?? I never hated youu.." Me: "Kkay then.." Niamh: "Let's go warm up together!!" Me: "What is up with you today?? I'm gonna got to the toilet anyway.." Niamh: "Okayyy I'll stay here.." She did not stay and she went over and took Bailey's diary. Bailey: "I'm back.." Niamh: "Hi!" They warmed up and started first piece. Niamh: "What you working on??" Bailey: "Front Fulls why?" Niamh: "Oh nothing.." It is now 3pm The end of gymnastics.. Niamh: "Haha. My diary now.."

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