Niamh's Diary - Part 3

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Me: "Haha, It's my diary now.. Bailey doesn't even stand a chance getting it back!" Well, It's time to go to gymnastics anyway.. (At gymnastics) Bailey: "Hey Niamh, have you seen my diary?" Me: "Hmmm no sorry.." Bailey: "It's fine.." Me: "See ya later xx" Thank god I changed the look of her diary cause' she would've noticed that it's hers.. I'm on Bars first today, and thank god she's not training with me.. She would've asked so many questions. Anyway, Let's not think about her. I need to think about what to do to sabotage her chances at UCLA.. She basically falls for everything.. God she's so dumb. Ohhh, I know the perfect thing to do to risk her chances at UCLA.. I can put a needle at the place where she lands her tumbling pass! Hmmm or is that too mean? I don't know.. I need some time to think.. (After Gym) I got the perfect idea! I can tell the people from UCLA that she is a horrible person and that I don't think that they should let her in, even if she's good.. THAT'S PERFECT! I hope Bailey doesn't find the diary... She'll probably find it, she's got a year! But oh well let's hope that she doesn't.. I've got training again tomorrow, I'm gonna leave my diary at home so she doesn't find it.. (The next day) Gotta go to training now bye!! (After training) Hi! I'm back!! So let me tell you what happened.. Bailey was giving me death stares the whole time, And I asked her why she was staring at me like that she said: "I don't know? Cause' I think you stole my diary.. And I said: "No I just got my own!" She said: "It looks exactly like mine! And it's almost full!" I said: "Maybe I did steal it.." Then she went silent.. Don't worry I'm gonna keep the diary hidden in my cubby at gymnastics ;) And also I forgot to mention, There are a lot of mean things Bailey wrote about me in this diary.. I'm so mad at her! Anyway, See ya guys later xx. (In the morning) Ugh.. I can't be bothered to go to gymnastics. And I can't be bothered to see Bailey again. But.. I gotta go anyway.. God, I really can't be bothered, I feel rubbish. But y'know, at the same time I need to ruin Bailey's whole career.. I'll take MY diary with me today and hide it.. (At gymnastics) Finally here.. I need to hide my diary now.. Well it's technically Bailey's but oh well. Bailey says secretly: "I'm gonna get that diary back when she goes to the bathroom or is not paying attention.." Okay.. I better get to training I really hope Bailey wasn't looking.. Me: "Hiya Bailey.. If you're wondering when you get your diary back.. YOU'RE NEVER GONNA GET IT BACK!!! Haha.." Bailey: "Hmm, Yeah sure let's just say that." Me: "Okay then, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick.." Bailey thinks to herself: "Perfect! Now all I gotta do is get the diary and hide it in my bag..

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