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The first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, illuminating the bustling streets of London. The sounds of traffic and chatter filled the air, but it was all a dull buzz for hope as she sat in the backseat of the taxi. Her mind was racing with thoughts of her upcoming trip to Korea. She was both excited and nervous about the journey ahead of her. This would be her first time in four years traveling to Asia, and she wasn't sure what to expect. As the taxi made its way through the streets of London, Hope closed her eyes and imagined herself in the vibrant and bustling city of Seoul.
Hope wanted to confront her reality in her father's homeland. She's tired of running.The time has come for her to permanently leave London behind. Val and Hope packed their bags yesterday. They sold everything in their possessions to cover the cost of the plane ticket, and with any luck, their funds will last them until they find well-paying employment in Korea.
When Hope's parents died, she was devastated. She couldn't imagine living in Korea without them. The grief was too much to bear, so she decided to move to London, hoping that a change of scenery would help her heal. Val, her best friend, was heartbroken at the thought of losing Hope. But she knew that Hope needed to do what was best for herself, so she made the difficult decision to leave her family behind and follow her friend to London. It was a difficult adjustment, but with Val by her side, Hope was able to start rebuilding her life.
Four years had passed since Hope and Val left Korea, and they were finally returning to the place they once called home. As the plane touched down, a flood of emotions washed over Hope. She couldn't believe she was back in Seoul, and she wondered if it would feel the same as she remembered. Val could sense her friend's nervousness, and she squeezed her hand reassuringly. "It's going to be okay," she said. "We're together again, and we'll make the most of our time here." Hope took a deep breath and nodded, ready to start their new adventure.Hope and Val knew that they didn't have a place to call home when they arrived in Seoul, but they were determined to make the best of their situation. They checked into a hotel for the first few days while they looked for an apartment. They visited several different neighborhoods, each with its own unique charm. Eventually, they found a small apartment in a cozy neighborhood that felt like home. As they unpacked their belongings and settled into their new space, they knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
The cozy neighborhood where Hope and Val found their new home was called Hongdae. It was a lively area full of students, artists, and young professionals. The streets were lined with cafes, boutiques, and galleries, and there was always something happening. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and music, and the energy was infectious. As they explored the neighborhood, they felt like they had found a little oasis in the middle of the bustling city. Hongdae felt like a place where they could truly be themselves, and they knew they had made the right decision to settle there. Hongdae is a neighborhood within the city of Seoul. It's located in the Mapo district, just a short train ride from the city center. Hongdae is known for its youthful energy and creative spirit. It's a popular destination for both locals and tourists, and it's easy to see why. With its vibrant culture, delicious food, and lively nightlife, Hongdae is a unique and special place. In addition to its lively atmosphere,Hope and Val found it to be the best place to settle down for now.

Jimin sits on the couch in his studio room, his feet propped up on the coffee table. Taehyung and Jungkook are sprawled on the floor, flipping through a photo album. There's a comfortable silence in the room, broken only by the occasional chuckle or exclamation. Suddenly, the door opens, and Yoongi walks in, a smile on his face. "I found it!" he says excitedly. "I found the hanahaki flower.""What is that and what is it for? We never knew you needed any Hanaramii flowers," Jin said in confusion. The others nodded in approval of what he said, all visibly confused.
"It's not the Hanaramii flower, but the Hanahaki flower dumbass."Yoongi said as he sat on the couch, still beaming. "I went to the mountains of Korea," he says, "to a place called Bukhansan National Park. I climbed to the highest peak, and I could feel the magic in the air. I closed my eyes and meditated, and when I opened them, I saw the hanahaki flowers glowing on the mountain. I just reached out, and one of them came to me. It was so easy!" Taehyung shakes his head in wonder. "That's amazing, Yoongi. It's like the flower wanted to help you,so now what's this Hanahaki flower all about?".
"The hanahaki flower is said to have many magical properties," Yoongi says. "It can heal injuries, restore energy, and purify the soul. But, most importantly, it's said to be able to reverse a curse. It's the only thing that can break the curse on Jimin's voice." The room fell silent, and after some seconds, everyone started laughing. Finally, Jungkook speaks up. "So you're saying that this flower can help Jimin sing again?" Yoongi nods. "I believe so." Jimin's eyes are wide with horror. "What is wrong with all of you? Stop making fun of my situation. Jungkook only suggested that I lied about my voice surgery because of my soul traveling, and I have a very nice voice that is intact.""Relax, I'm sure he was just pulling your legs. Yoongi, stop fooling around and tell us what it is," Jungkook said."Well, I was asked to locate Dr. Shawn Miles, wasn't I? That's exactly what I am doing, and Jungkook, I'll need your help since you and nature are buddies," Yoongi said."So how exactly will this flower help me?" Jimin was already irritated with Yoongi for not going straight to the point."I want to take a nap. Jungkook,  please be here by 7 tomorrow so we can find Dr. Shawn." "Sure." With that, he climbed up the stairs and entered his room."I can't deal with this man; he's so annoying." "Calm down, Jimin; he's doing this for you." taehyung said

The house is located in a quiet neighborhood in Seoul, with cherry blossom trees lining the streets. The front door opens to reveal a spacious living room, decorated with traditional Korean art and antiques. A young couple is sitting on the couch, looking anxious and worried. A knock sounds on the door, and the couple stands to answer it. Two tall figures stand on the front step, clad in dark robes. One of them speaks. "We have come to check on your child. Is she still carrying out her task?" The couple looks at each other, unsure of what to say. The beautiful lady inside the house wanted to speak, but her husband beat her to it.The man, tall, slim, and with broad shoulders to match his physique, spoke, bowing down, "She is obedient to her people and has been carrying out her task."
"Yes, tell my lord that he doesn't need to worry; Bumi is carrying out her task well. Why don't you come in and have a bite?" the woman chipped in."There would be no need for that; we just came as per the Lord's request to see what's happening on this side and to remind you of your fate if you  and your daughter desert or defy your people," and with that, the tall figures seem to shimmer and fade until they are no longer visible. The couple looks at each other in shock, not sure what to make of what just happened, for it has been a long time since something of this sort happened, and it indicates blooming war and doom.

Hmm some characters have been introduced again who are they? This story seems to get better I confess but personally I feel that this chapter is not so good but I promise a better chapter my lovelies💓💓💓

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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