Chapter 2: Royal Disaster

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     Cia and the others were granted with a huge welcome upon their return to the town.

"Oh, heroes!" The mayor greeted them. "Thank you for saving our humble town, and fending off that awful Dark Lord!"

"Oh, it was nothing," said Kat, ignoring the look Maya gave her.

"Go warn the king. Please, take this with you. It'll get you access to the castle."

Cia was handed a letter signed by the mayor himself.

"We will," she nodded.


"I'm sorry, I can't grant you access," said the castle guard.

"What?!" Lily glared at him.

"Cia, the letter," Maya suggested.

"Right. Here, this is a formal letter from the mayor. He asked us to come here and see the king."

Cia handed it to the soldier. He opened the scroll and read through it.

"This doesn't appear to be forged. Very well, you may see the king."

"Thank you." Cia stepped into the castle.

"Wow, look at this place!" Maya marveled.

"Yeah, fancy," Lily muttered off-handedly.

Two more guards stood in front of a large set of doors.

"Excuse me, may we see King Reginald?" Cia asked. One of the guards nodded.

"Of course, right this way." They were led into the next room.

"Your royal highness, four adventurers wish to speak with you," the other guard told the king.

"Is that so? Welcome! Do come in!" The king looked the heroes over. "Why so tense? You're allowed to relax. I'm not a mean king."

"That's not why we're tense," said Cia. "I'm afraid we come with dire news."

Maya stepped up next to Cia.

"We were sent by the mayor to tell you about the monsters with the faces of Miis running rampant through Greenhorne," she said. The king laughed wholeheartedly.

"That's a good one. Now, what was this dire news?"

"I'm afraid that was the dire news," said Lily. "What we speak of is true."

"Pure nonsense! What you speak of is quite impossible! Unheard of! How would that even happen-!" The king cut off when his face left his body. "Save the royal face!" He cried out.

The team didn't hesitate to go after it.

"Where's it going?" Kat asked as Lily hopped onto Dexter.

"It's heading for the forest. We need to hurry," they replied. With that, they rushed off to their destination.


The heroes arrived out of breath.

"Stars, I'm winded," Cia breathed.

"Don't stop yet," Lily instructed.

"Aw, c'mon."

"Please don't let this be a hard monster," Kat begged.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but..." Maya trailed off as she pointed. The monster the king's face had ended up on was a large golden made of rock. Moss hung from some of its limbs. Cia did some quick stretches.

"Just one more fight," Cia sighed to herself. She adjusted her brim, and readied a spell. Lily ran in like normal. This time Maya ran in, attacking with her staff. The golem brought down a giant fist, depleting Maya's health. Kat dragged her off the battlefield. She gently laid her down.

Onwards, Team Miitopia!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant