Chapter 4: The Pharaoh Awaits

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     That night, Cia went to bed earlier than everyone else, but she couldn't sleep.

All this hard work, and for what? Nothing. Why does Windsor have to keep ruining everything?

She buried her head into her pillow, trying not to cry. After a while, she heard the others start settling down. There was a thud, followed by the sound of Eyevee laughing and Draxx cursing to himself. Cia clutched the pillow tighter. The noise settled, and there was a light knock on the door.

"What is it?" She sighed. She heard the creak of the door as Kio slid it open.

"Hey. Is everything alright? I was just worried about you."

"It's fine." Cia didn't look up at him. Kio sat down on the edge of the edge of the bed beside her. He gently took one of her hands. She tensed for a moment, before letting her hand relax.

"Listen, I know everything's been hard for you right now. You lost your friends, and now we've lost the people of Neksdor. I just want you to be okay. We're all here for you, alright?" Cia turned on her side to face his direction.


"Please just don't stress yourself out okay? It's worrying."

"I'll try not to."

"And hey, if you needed a bit of a laugh, Eyevee got her wish."

"I was wondering what that sound was." Cia smiled just a little.

"Yeah. Draxx's alright. Might have hurt his pride just a little, but he'll be fine. I'll leave you alone now. Just wanted to check in. You're my best friend, after all."

"Thanks, Kio."



Warm sunlight filtered in through the windows. Cia blindly reached for her glasses on the nearby nightstand. She sat up when putting them on. She sighed.

I gotta keep going. I have to do this. For everyone. The people of Neksdor, my friends, and everyone in Miitopia. They're counting on me.

She started running out of the inn.

"Woah, woah, where are you going in such a hurry?" Draxx asked them. "Slow down."

"Everybody needs us," said Cia. "The quicker we save everyone, the better."

"Sounds good to me," said Kio, who was lightly tossing an apple up into the air and catching it.

"Where'd you get that?" Draxx asked him.

"Listen, town ain't that far from Greenhorne's forests. I like to change it up a little every now and again."

"Alright, whatever."

"Where did all the faces even go?" Eyevee asked.

"We can always ask a townsperson," said Cia.


They arrived at the desolate town. People huddled near their faceless loved ones. The sky was dark with clouds. It was a heartbreaking sight, and it reminded Cia all too much of Greenhorne. She missed Kat, Maya, and Lily even more. Draxx put a clawed hand on their shoulder.

"We'll find them," He said softly.

"So who all's missing?" Eyevee asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, there's the local dance teacher, the merchant family, the husband from that bickering couple, the celebrity, and the genie," Kio listed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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