prologue. all things go

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"Nevaeh. Nevaeh, wake up,"

A familiar voice rushes into my eardrums. My whole body swaying in sync with the rhythm of someone else's palm shaking my right shoulder provides a premature ending to quite a delightful dream my subconscious created and returns me to reality.

A film of sleep skews my sight as my eyes flutter open at their own leisure. Coruscating cloudiness casts an ethereal gleam inside my room, igniting an intimate, inviting ambiance that ambles along the fuzzy, flamingo-pink carpeted flooring, floral patterned furniture, and fuscia wallpaper of the walls.

A symphony of sapid scents swirling subtly from a captivating cologne carrying chords of complex, charismatic spices suddenly stimulates my sense of smell. Sweet sandalwood serenades, savory citrus choruses, and harmonious herbs hint at hidden depths.

Old Spice. Ricky.

Realization sets in. I'm being shaken out of my slumber by my boyfriend.

"Mmm," I hum, "Ricky?"

"Fucking finally, wake up, I'm booorrred," he whines, shaking my shoulder harder.

Not wanting to hear it, I gripe. "What time is it?"


I bury my face in the plush pink pillow beneath my head, then with reluctance, roll over on my back to finally face him.

Hovering over me, he covers every crevice of my face in delicate kisses, cojuring a fit of schoolgirl-symbolic giggles within me that flee my mouth faster than they arrived.

Exhaling a content sigh, I whisk a palm through his swarthy, shoulder-length tresses that are silky soft to the touch. He edges in, severing the slight sliver of space separating us until our foreheads carefully collide.

Our eyes meet, locking in an intense gaze that radiates nothing but the admiration we share for one another as our breaths become one; creating a sense of closeness I sincerely hope everyone is fortunate enough to experience at least once in this life.

If I could stay here, confined to this moment with him for the rest of my life, I would without an ounce of hesitation.

"You all right?" he whispers, nimbly tucking one of my dirty-blonde strands behind my right ear.

I chuckle. "I'm great, just–tired still; you?"

He gives me a playful scowl, suggesting it should be obvious, leaning in to peck my lips, "I don't think I've ever been better, angel. I love being around you."

My heart flutters and warmth floods my cheeks, painting them a bright crimson shade. A reflexive smitten smile seizes my mouth from ear-to-ear, coaxing me to shy away from him. "God, I wish we could live together already, do you have to go home tonight?"

"What? No," his brows furrow, "I'll stay with you as long as you want."

"Yeah, please? I'm sorry, if you can't, go and see Rosa, I don't want her worrying about you, I'll be fine."

"Stop angel, she doesn't care. She knows where I am and that I've been hanging out over here and crashing with you all week, besides she loves you, you know that. She won't be worried about me, I promise." he reassures me, leaving a sweet kiss on my temple.

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